Page 19 of A Fighting Chance
“You and I can be a family.”
“I want to be a father.”
“We can get dogs.”
“I want a son, a daughter.” He would even take an alien-human hybrid if that alien-human hybrid acknowledged him as its father.
“And I understand that,” she said. “But, at the end of the day, it’s my body. You can respect that, right?”
He scanned her from the top of her head to her pink, decorated toenails before settling his gaze back on hers. “Sydney, I respect your body. Love your body. I’ve worshipped, tasted, licked, and filled your body. This isn’t about me disrespecting you. This is about you lying to me, even after we went through counseling, and then you walking out before giving me the courtesy of an honest conversation.”
“If I’d said, back then, that I didn’t want kids, would you have still married me?”
He shrugged. “We’ll never know now, will we?”
“You wouldn’t have.”
“You talk about me not hearing you, not listening, but you’re clearly not understanding. You lied. You could have even said you weren’t sure, but you told me you…” He cleared his throat. “You told me you couldn’t wait to create a life with me. To create a connection to me that no one could ever take from us. The way you said it and the way you made me feel? I remember thinking, she wants me to be the father of her children?Me?She seesmeas worthy of that role? But you didn’t. You never did.”
He turned and headed for the door.
“Joel, don’t go.” Her grip circled his wrist. “Joel, please.”
He tried to pull away, but she held on tighter.
“Joel, please don’t go. I’m sorry. Please, Joel. Please.”
He stopped in the middle of reaching for the door handle, head down. He didn’t turn to look at her, but when she released him, he didn’t continue his exit.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” She wrapped her arms around him from behind. “I’m so sorry. Tell me you love me.”
He didn’t.
Her hands lowered, and he felt her fiddling with his belt, but he didn’t stop her there, either. As much as she’d hurt him, her arms weakened him. Her tears softened him. When he loved, he loved completely, but for the first time since they’d declared their love for one another all those years ago, he didn’t believe she felt the same.
For her, he would have given up so much. For her, hehadgiven up so much. Yet, in order to get what she wanted, in order to prevent him from ever saying no, she’d lied and made him go from feeling like the luckiest man in the world to the biggest sucker ever to walk the earth’s surface.
Still, he didn’t stop her when she removed his belt and unhooked the button on his waistband. He didn’t stop her when she reached inside his underwear and gripped him, her pleas growing longer and needier.
“Joel, I’m sorry. Tell me you love me.”
She squeezed.
He groaned.
“Don’t go. Tell me you love me.”
He turned around, plucked her off her feet, and they fumbled until he kicked in the correct door that led to her bedroom.
The sun had gone down, and the curtains were closed. The bedroom was darker than midnight, but he managed to find the bed, set her down, and unravel the knot at the front of the robe. Underneath, she was completely naked.
“Why are you naked?” He tugged his shirt off over his head. “Were you waiting for somebody?”
“Tell me you love me, Joel.”
He spread her legs, lowered his pants and underwear just enough to free his cock, and shoved inside her so hard, she slid on the mattress.