Page 48 of A Fighting Chance
“Jo, appo.”
“Right. First, let me get you something to eat. How about you play while I make you a quick lunch, hmm?”
He set Theo on the floor and grabbed his phone as he made his way to the refrigerator.
You won’t believe this.
Theo just said, “Jo, where Mama go?”
Figuring she’d take a while to text back because she was driving, he sliced a quarter of an apple into bite-sized chunks and then started on something Theo wouldn’t say no to if he was offered gold as an alternative—a gooey grilled cheese sandwich.
Once he was done, he checked his phone.
A full sentence????!!!
One that makes sense????
How’s it going so far?
You *just* left.
I know, but can you see him?
If not, he’s peed on something.
No, he hasn’t.
I promise you.
Walking into the office now.
Talk to you soon.
He set the juice back in the refrigerator and went in search of Theo, suddenly nervous.
“Theo? Where are you, buddy?”
He rounded the corner.
And froze.
With the hem of his shirt tucked underneath his chin, Theo stood with his hands wrapped around his “winky” while a seemingly never-ending stream of urine irrigated the soil in a plant pot that held a decorative fern.