Page 65 of A Fighting Chance
Hopefully, he made it to the airport in one piece; he already knew he wouldn’t be able to see a damn thing on the drive.
“I love you too, Josiah,” he yelled back.
After one final wave, he got in behind the steering wheel and drove off, peering at them in the rearview mirror until they vanished from sight.
“Dez has the rings,” Joel said.
Dez looked up. “Dez, who? Not this Dez. I don’t have the rings.”
Gage’s gaze, full of fire, brimstone, and promises of death, darted among the five of them. “One of you blokes better have the rings, or all of you will die.”
They turned to Julien.
Julien tossed up his hands. “Seriously, fellas? I don’t have the answer to everything, and I don’t have them either. Dez is the best man. He’s supposed to have the rings.”
Gage headed for Dez.
Joel planted himself in the center of Gage’s warpath. “Look, there is no way in hell we lost those expensive ass rings,” he argued. “And who’s prepared to face Tayler’s wrath first if we did?”
“What is problem?” Giorgio asked, the most dangerous of them all yet unfairly the best-looking groomsman in his custom-tailored black Attolini tux.
“The rings,” Gage said. “Dez lost them.”
Dez’s jaw dropped. “No, I didn’t. Don’t put that on me.”
“After I kill all of you,” Gage swung a finger around the hotel suite, “Tayler’s going to kill me, so,” his shoulders fell, “I guess I’ll be seeing you soon. We’ll be Team Alpha in heaven.”
Mike snorted a laugh. “Our asses will be turned right the fuck back around at the pearly gates.”
Giorgio, brows knitted, reached into his jacket pocket and produced both rings. “This what you want?”
They all stared at him, slack-jawed.
“Tayler, she ask favor.” Giorgio tossed the rings to Dez. “To…put write inside.”
“I think you mean she asked you to have them engraved,” Mike said.
Dez slipped the rings into his jacket pocket. “So, we’re good to go? We have everything?”
They nodded.
“How about you, Wolfe?” Joel asked, dusting off Gage’s already immaculate tuxedo jacket. “Are you ready?”
“To marry Tayler?” Gage scoffed. “I was ready the day I laid eyes on her.”
They headed for the door.
Fiveof them headed for the door.
“But before we leave,” Gage leaned against the chest of drawers, one large hand spanning the left side of his chest, “any of you blokes have a defibrillator?”
Sighing, they returned to the middle of the suite and positioned themselves as if Gage were a palm tree that needed to be braced in order to take root. Then they all but carried him to the door, headed for the long-awaited ceremony at the Sydney Opera House.
“Here comes Gage Wolfe,” Joel said. “Our ‘fearless’ leader.”