Page 90 of A Fighting Chance
“I love you too.”
Josiah walked over to the rest of the team for another round of hugs before going to Tayler and wrapping his arms around her midsection. Xara took Grey, and Tayler bent to hug Josiah, kiss his cheek, and whisper in his ear.
Joel stood and faced Ayesha. “Can I say goodbye to Theo?”
She nodded.
“Hey, buddy.” He took Theo, held him close, and pressed a series of kisses against the curls on top of Theo’s head. Although half asleep, Theo returned the hug, giggling with each kiss. He whispered the same apologies and told him he loved him. How much he loved him.
After releasing him, he handed Theo to Gage instead of returning Theo to Ayesha’s arms. Even if she rejected him, pushed and scratched at him, he couldn’t leave things like this.
“Come here, Eesh.” He grabbed her wrist and lightly tugged, and he didn’t miss how easily she came to him.
Although she kept her hands clasped against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her. He took in the scent of her hair, but it wasn’t enough, so he picked her up and ran his nose along the arch of her neck. She smelled like his house, his sheets.
“Hug me back, Eesh.”
She didn’t move.
“Ayesha, hug me back, or I’ll kiss you,” he whispered, right next to her ear. “I swear to God, I’ll kiss you, and it won’t be soft, quick, or gentle.”
She still didn’t move.
He leaned back and set her on her feet, gaze lowering to her mouth. Then, slowly, she returned the embrace.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean any of the things I said—none of them. I was an asshole because I was hurt, and instead of rising above it, I tried to bring you down to my level.”
She nodded. “I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean any of it, either.”
He released her but kept her close, his hands on her waist. Just like when they danced, she kept her eyes on him, absentmindedly fiddling with the tag at the back of his shirt.
“Eesh, do I still have your friendship, or did I fuck around and lose you? Please don’t tell me I lost you.”
“Friendship is all I can offer you,” she said.
“I’ll take it.”
“Then it’s yours.”
“I’m sorry.” He leaned in again and kissed her cheek. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” As he leaned back, he kissed her cheek again. “I’m sorry.”
“We’ll talk when you get back?”
He nodded. “We will. I’ll be back. I promise.”
He released her, gave Josiah another hug, and took Theo, giving him another kiss before he handed him back to Ayesha.
Then, as he headed toward the jet, he picked up the folder Josiah had tossed, the Gulfstream on the airstrip before him nothing but a giant white blur.
Luanda, Angola
Before he could talk himself out of it, Joel pressed the button on his tablet screen to initiate the call. They had about fifteen minutes left before they had to head out, and something told him to check in. There were no ominous feelings or any foreboding in his gut which, before starting an assignment, wasn’t exactly a good sign.
The call picked up.
Sydney’s face appeared. “Hey, bab—Joel.”