Page 164 of Requiem for Love
Larke’s name flashed across the screen.
“Did you find her?” he asked.
“No, but one of the guests, a Fred-something, said his rental’s missing. It has a tracking device, and he located it. It’s still on the property.”
“Thank you, Larke.”
He ran toward the parked cars, repeating everything Larke told him. In under four minutes, they were headed toward the coordinates the man, Fred Tanner, a family friend, shared with them. According to Fred, the car wasn’t moving, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t find Lavigne in the middle of trying to make an escape.
In the seat next to him, Gage assembled a rifle. He, Gage, Julien, and Adrían had headed for the location while Giorgio, Dez, Mike, and Mo remained behind in the event Lavigne thought about making a reappearance.
“I see it,” Julien said.
He’d barely stopped before they jumped out.
They found the green Opel Mokka SUV parked near the lakeshore, so close to their house he could run home in under a minute.
Adrían crouched and examined marks in the silt. “He dragged her into the water.”
“Because it would’ve been too risky to leave through the property exit,” Julien said. “Security would have had to let him through.”
“Has Lavigne ever done anything like this?” Joel asked.
Adrían looked out at the expanse of the massive lake. “Close to it. A retrieval mission we had in Burkina Faso. We had to rescue a journalist, so we used the water. Lee got the journalist out.”
“Think he’d help Lavigne?”
“Lee?” Adrían shook his head. “No, not at all. We’re not like your team, but me, Lee, and Trevor at least have a shared hatred for Lavigne. It’s Lee’s technique, but Lavigne’s copied it.”
A boat motor sounded from far off.
Gage raised the rifle and peered through the scope. “It’s him. It’s far. Can’t get a shot. He’s got Eesh in the way.”
“How does she look?” Joel asked.
“Slumped. Lifeless.”
Joel felt like his head would explode.
Adrían dragged his fingers through his hair.
“He needs her alive,” Julien said. “She might have been drugged, but he needs her alive.”
The rationale gave him little solace. Ayesha was on the shorter side, and she didn’t weigh much. Plus, she had less body fat due to Book Club, and babies changed body physiology. Lavigne could have tried to drug her, miscalculated, and killed her.
Gage lowered the rifle. “Thanasis and Mo are here. Those two are more than enough to stay behind. We should have everyone convene in one location, at least for Josiah and Theo’s sake. How long are your folks staying?”
“They’ll stay as long as they need to,” Joel said.
“Then the whole team goes. Tay knows where my weapon stash is. Have them stay at your place, Lattimore, so it’s familiar for the boys.” Gage pointed his chin at Adrían. “I take it you’re coming along?”
“Yes, I’m coming, but I talked to Trevor. He and Lee said they can find a place nearby. Watch the road. That’s two more.”
Gage and Julien exchanged a look.
“They can take Eesh’s old place if they want,” Gage said. “It’s clean. Trevor can bring his wife. Maybe having Theo’s teacher here will help. I don’t know Lee, but I know Trevor. I’m counting on him to keep Lee in line.”
Adrían shook his head. “Trust me. Lee’s trustworthy. We did the same work as you. We were all trying to do good. The only reason we targeted you is that one, we were lied to, and two, we wanted out and thought that was the only solution.”