Page 185 of Requiem for Love
“No, I’m supposed to kill you. We had an agreement.”
“Lattimore.” He felt Giorgio’s hand on his shoulder. “Lattimore, do not sleep.”
“What?” he asked. “What do you m—”
Pain hit him.
Severe pain.
He felt it everywhere, but it was concentrated in his back. There’d been four shots. Adrían took two. That meant there were two unaccounted for.
“Gage,” he called. “Gage, I’m hit.”
He knew why it was Gage.
Why it would have always been Gage.
“Hit?” Gage asked. “What’s hit?”
Then he heard Ayesha scream his name, the echo carrying through the entire forest.
“What’s hit?” Gage asked, appearing above him.
Joel shook his head, tears building at the corners of his eyes. “This one might be bad, big guy.”
“One to ten?”
“Fifteen approaching one hundred.”
It had to be bad.
Even Gage’s voice shook.
“Mate, don’t do this to me.” Gage cut through his shirt. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. One two. One…shit. There’s no second exit wound.”
“Where’s Eesh?” Joel asked.
“I’m here, baby,” she screamed. “Mike, let me go.”
“Eesh, you can’t.”
Sirens sounded.
“Mike, let me go.”
“Eesh, Gage needs the space. We need to let him work.”
“Mike, let me the fuck go. Please.” Her voice changed, grew weaker. “Please, please, please. Joel, you promised me. You promised me. Baby, don’t do this.”
Less air surrounded him. Suddenly, he was underwater—blood was in his lungs.
Dozens of footsteps surrounded him.
“Be careful with him,” he heard Ayesha scream. “If he dies, Giorgio, I want you to kill every last fucking one of them.”
“Ayesha? Babe?” The tears came faster, hotter, dripping down the sides of his face. “Mike, let her come.”