Page 63 of Requiem for Love
He closed his eyes. “If one of them is a boy, I want to name him after my cousin.”
“You know it was supposed to be my name?”
“I’ve told you this story?”
“God, so many times.”
He laughed.
“We’ll name one Dominik,” she said. “Then we’ll think of other names once you’re done with treatment. In the meantime, we should probably get the house ready.”
“You’re right. But which house?”
“Oh, my goodness. He’s so beautiful.”
“He’s American?”
“They have men this good-looking there?”
“I could stare at him all day.”
Ayesha rolled her eyes.
Josiah’s school had thrown a family night at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, and close to all the kids in his grade segment,mellanstadiet, were in attendance. Virtually every teacher had also shown up in addition to the typical crowd that flooded the site on the weekends.
Most of the crowd didn’t bother her. She smiled at families walking with their children, young couples, and groups of friends.
But then there were the ones she wanted to dropkick, whispering and staring, fawning over Joel like they didn’t see her standingrightbeside him. Hell, not all of them were single, either. Some of them even had handsome men on their arms. The men weren’t Joel, but nobody was.
Was she not being possessive enough? She held his hand, rubbed his back, kissed and hugged him. At one point, Theo walked between them, holding both their hands. Joel wore his ring, and she wore hers. Was it difficult for them to conceive that someone who looked like him could be married to anyone but an A-list celebrity or Victoria’s Secret model?
“Excuse me?” A young blonde walked up to them, head bowed, unable to meet Joel’s gaze. “You have beautiful eyes.”
Joel smiled. “Thanks.”
Ayesha darted a look up at him.
The blonde hurried off.
Josiah and Theo stood in front of them, looking over a metal railing that separated the visitors from the platform where the ship rested. A tour of the museum was about to start, and it would end with them viewing the massive warship that hung in the middle of the room.
Theo, sucking on those two fingers, leaned against Josiah. Josiah stroked his little brother’s head, and she hoped it was always this way between them, even when they fought or disagreed.
Another blonde started in their direction, so Ayesha slipped her fingers through Joel’s. He brought their joined hands up to his mouth and kissed the back of hers. She tilted her chin, and he leaned down, letting the kiss linger for a moment.
“Look at you being all possessive,” he teased.
“‘Thanks,’ though?” She frowned. “Thanks? That’s it?”
“What else was I supposed to say?”