Page 128 of The Vegas Lie
He trapped her nipple between his teeth. “What’s wrong? You want to come already? It’s not time for you to come yet.”
“It’s my father.”
“What about your father?”
“He’s outside.”
“He’s outside?” He stopped. “He’s…outside?”
“Didn’t you hear me on the phone?”
“Other than your little gasps and moans, I don’t hear much when your breasts are in my mouth.” He wiggled his ring and middle finger. “And when you’re riding my fingers.”
“When did those get there?”
“Long enough for you to ride them.”
“Please don’t get upset, but can you stay in the bedroom while he’s here?”
He stood, picked her up, and headed for the bedroom. “I don’t mind. Why would that make me upset? You’re obviously not ashamed of me. I’m handsome, rich, and successful.”
“That ego of yours will never die.”
And she’d found out, firsthand, just how big it could get when stoked enough.
“I’m not scared of my father,” she clarified. “I’m thirty. I just don’t want my family to know I got married, and I’m deciding to stay married, and I didn’t include them in any of it.”
“I know. I understand.”
He set her down in the bedroom, and she quickly got dressed. Then, after a few placating kisses, which he reassured her she didn’t need to give him but he would accept them graciously, she ran to the front door to let her father in.
“My little Rain-bow!” Orylin Sr. gave her a tight hug, rocking her with a laugh. “I’ve missed you, sweetheart.”
“I missed you too, Daddy.”
They went to the living room.
She noticed him glance at the dining area, and she closed her eyes, cursing under her breath. There were two bowls on the table. Two bowls and two mugs, all of them empty.
“Busy?” he asked, taking a seat.
She remained standing. “Not really.”
“Huh. How old are you now, Raina?”
“If you don’t know, I can’t tell you.”
He laughed. “I’m a smart man, but sometimes, I call Junior, Delilah, and Delilah, Raina. Then I’ll call you Junior. I don’t know what I’d do if me and your mother had more.”
“Are you thinking about more?” she teased.
He barked a laugh. “Even if it was possible, I couldn’t imagine my two youngest being in elementary and medical school at the same time. Lord, no. Then, after walking in on mybaby girlholding a pregnancy test…”
He shuddered.
It was how the family learned Delilah and Miguel were seeing each other. They “surprised” her in Baltimore and walked in on her sitting on her bed holding a pregnancy test. Up until then, her poor parents had assumed Delilah was a virgin. However, she’d learned that her sister had been getting herinner hoawakened by Miguel—for a while.
A noise sounded from the bedroom, and her father glanced at the hallway.