Page 81 of The Vegas Lie
“Whatever, Saraci.”
So, they were back to normal. Back to Demon Raina and Serpent Lucas.
He strode across the room, situated her behind him, and waited for the man who’d entered the house, unannounced, to raise his head. Raina had talons, breathed fire, and a tongue made for shredding egos, but he cared about her much more than he let on. Even cold hearts cracked, and regardless of what he showed, he’d never harbored more than an ice cube in his chest cavity.
The man looked up. “Oh, I didn’t know anyone was here yet. I’m Davis, Miguel and Delilah’s realtor. I was coming over to ensure everything was in order with the house, but it looks like you guys beat me here.”
Lucas searched his memories to determine whether Delilah had ever mentioned a realtor named Davis during one of their lunch break sessions.
“Our realtor, Davis Schofield, is showing us a condo today,” Delilah said, cutting her sandwich in half with a flimsy plastic knife. “I’m still not sure if I want to do a condo or house, but a house seems like I’m saying, ‘Hey, I want a baby,’ and Miguel and I came too close to that already.”
Lucas grabbed an actual knife from his desk drawer and walked it over to her. “Didn’t you say that you want to wait until the last year of residency before considering children? At least before your fellowship.”
“Yes. You always swear you don’t listen to me.”
“I don’t.”
“So that was just a guess?”
“Delilah, please. It’s a knife, not a hacksaw.”
“Lucas Saraci.” He held out a hand. “And the magical fairy behind me is my wife, Raina.”
Davis shook his hand, and when Davis turned to Raina, the man’s eyes lit up a little too bright for his liking.
“I know Raina. Delilah’s always talking about her sister.”
Raina tried to step around him, but the woman must have been out of her mind.
Not in those jeans.
Plus, the little light in Davis’ eyes told him that the realtor had probably scrolled through Raina’s feed before, maybe even liked some of her pictures.
What had he become?
Six months in, and he was already familiar with social media semantics.
Delilah had suggested he create a social media account, and she’d volunteered to manage it. However, when he saw how much people loved medical content, he hired someone to take over so Delilah could focus on school. According to her, his popularity was due to his looks, but he was an excellent teacher; people simply loved learning about medical concepts.
“So, like what you see?” Davis asked.
“Do you?” he countered.
Raina fought until she managed to squeeze half of her body from behind the prison his frame had trapped her in. “Yes, we love it,” she said. “It’s beautiful.”
“Miguel said that all you needed to do was give the go-ahead, and it’s off the market. Might I ask why for only three months?”
“Renovations,” Raina cut in. “We’re glad that we’re able to stay at a friend’s property until our place finishes getting updates.”
Davis, nodding, folded his arms. “Nice. Where do you live now?”
“It’s a condo near Inner Harbor.”
“Inner Harbor? Those places go for seven figures, on average. I know what you do, Raina, but what do—”
“How do you know what she does?” Lucas asked. “Delilah again?”