Page 87 of The Vegas Lie
“Who called her ugly?”
“They’re not here right now, Dr. S.”
“Are they on her Instagram page?”
Delilah squeezed her forehead. “My point is this. Raina loves a challenge. She loves a fight. She won’t show that she’s scared you’ll think she’s wonderful and perfect, but then you’ll change your mind after she’s fallen for you. Part of me thinks that’s why she agreed to this; she’s trying to prove she’s right about men being vain. The other reason? She likes you.”
He frowned.
If he didn’t, his smile would cover the house.
“Is this a guess?” he asked.
“Remember when you came to the football game where,” she raised her left hand, “Miguel proposed to me? She told me then.”
“That she likes me.”
An annulment was officially off the table. If she “liked” him, did that mean shedidwant to ravish him? Was that why she sent him lunch, hugged him in her sleep, and added that one ‘emoji’with the kissing face at the end of her texts?
“Be nice to her, Dr. S,” Delilah said. “Just try it. You like peas, right? I think I’ve seen you eat peas. You couldn’t have always liked peas, but you eventually had to try them to be eating them now.”
“Delilah, I happen to be a very nice man.”
“Yeah, compared to Satan.”
He failed the battle with the smile, and then the smile gave way to a laugh.
“Oh!” She pointed to his face. “Such a pretty smile! It must be like how new items are the most beautiful when you first take them out of the package.”
“Daniels, go.”
“I’m going.” She hurried to the garage door. “I’m going.”
Raina paced the length of the kitchen while Miguel watched her from the other side of the island.
“Guel, I like him.”
Miguel cocked his head to the side. “Oh? Do you, now?”
“Delilah told you?”
“I’ve known you since I was eight, Raina. You would never keep going back and forth with him if you didn’t find it…titillating.”
“Then why do I want to,” she curled her fingers, “strangle him, sometimes?”
Miguel shrugged. “Because you’re Raina, and I hear that sometimes married people do want to strangle their spouse from time to time. Can’t say it’ll be that way with me and Delilah, but we’re kind and pleasant people. You and Saraci are fire and lava, and I’m not sure which is which.”
She rolled her eyes.
“It’s a nice house, isn’t it?” Miguel looked around, smiling a little. “Lilah and I would have gone with it, but a condo makes more sense at this stage in our relationship.”
He went quiet, but considering how long she’d known him, she knew his silence was temporary. This was supposed to be her moment to confess what he knew she was hiding, yet he would wrangle it out of her even if she didn’t.
“How’d you end up agreeing to live with him again?” he asked. “Delilah didn’t fully explain that part. You two got drunk in Vegas and ended up married, but the part I don’t get is why there’s no annulment in progress. Why, if the marriage was a mistake, you’re moving in together.”