Page 35 of God of Fury (Legacy of Gods)
Bran is already quickening his wide, controlled steps down the hall, head straight and shoulders tense. Like when he kissedClara.
I catch up to him and fall in step beside him. “If you wanted to see me, you should’ve told me and I would’ve given you a tour.”
“Get over yourself.” He’s looking ahead like a fucking robot. “I’m here for my sister and her boyfriend.”
“Tomayto, tomahto. Wanna have that tour anyway?”
“How about dinner?”
“A drink?”
“Do you have another word in your monosyllabic asshole vocabulary tonight?”
“No,” he says, almost on autopilot, and I jump in front of him.
He nearly walks into me and has to stop abruptly, his throat working up and down, and I can’t help but stare at that gorgeous Adam’s apple. I want to bite it.
Maybe draw blood in the meantime.
The red would look fucking beautiful against his fair complexion.
He steps back faster than I can blink.
Even though he’s a couple of inches shorter, he manages to look down on me with that condescension he wears like armor. “Are you allergic to shirts or something? Why are you always half naked?”
“Because I look fucking awesome and it’s a pity to hide it. Also, does this mean you were checking me out?”
“Nonsense. It’s impossible to miss your constant state of nudity.”
“Constant state of nudity.Jesus. Chill, my dude. You sound like a judge in court.”
“I’m not yourdude.” He stresses the word as if it’s an insult and starts to shift past me.
I get in his way again and he stops. An aura of crushing disdain radiates from him and licks my skin as he shoves a hand in his pocket and releases an exasperated sigh. “What?”
“Why did you reply to me earlier today? Did you miss my texts?”
“I was clearly telling you to stop bothering me.”
“But I wasn’t. I stopped after…you know, your public make-out session withClara, whom you clearly asked to come to that specific place at that specific time on purpose. What were you trying to prove, lotus flower? Because the way I saw it, you got hard when you had your eyes on me. Not her.”
One minute, I’m standing there, and the next, he crushes my windpipe with his arm as he shoves me against the nearest pillar.
My head hits the harsh stone and pain explodes in my skull, but I don’t feel it.
Not when his eyes blaze a fierce blue, savage and so out of control.
Hands down, the sexiest view I’ve ever seen.