Page 50 of Exposed
“Well, I asked if you wanted a drink and you flipped me the bird without even looking at me.” I chuckle as she cringes. “I then made it my mission to engage you in conversation but you made it hard. Said no to everything I suggested.”
“I’m not massively social, sorry. Was I rude?”
“Not at all. We talked about stepping outside of your comfort zone.”
“You really do sound like a therapist.”
I laugh. “Sorry about that.”
“Why did you do it? Why pretend?”
“You know there’s a lot more going on here than meets the eye, Malia. I’m sorry for deceiving you. We’ve all been keeping a close eye on you one way or another for a while now. With two boyfriends to juggle, it seemed unlikely you’d want a third. And when you came out of hospital and needed a therapist, this seemed like the best option to be able to help and support you. And keep you safe.”
“I don’t understand why, though. Why me? There are plenty of girls on campus who need someone looking out for them.”
“It’s true, and it’s upsetting that we can’t protect everyone. But we’re doing our best and you seem like you need it the most.”
“Does that mean…this thing with Cove and Bhodi…are they just…”
“They’re not using you. They’re not playing on your emotions to get closer to you, and nor would I. We all really like you Malia.”
My heart races, confessing that I group myself alongside Bhodi and Cove. Have I spent much time with Malia physically? No. Of course I haven’t. But we’ve had video appointments every day for weeks. Sometimes two or three times a day when she’s been struggling. Maybe I haven’t been able to take her out or do fun things with her, but I know her on a deeper level than any of the others do.
And I like what I know. Like who she is. Care about her beyond the assignment. Even if the prof wasn’t giving orders to keep Malia close, I’d want her in my life.
“I’m nothing special,” she protests. Three words I’ve heard fall from her lips countless times. And every single time it frustrates and upsets me. Why can’t she accept how amazing she is? Her parents have really done a number on her. What I wouldn’t give to be able to erasethosememories for her.
“We’ll have to agree to disagree on this, but whether I’m still your therapist or not, I’m prepared to tell you your worth every single day until you start believing it.”
“I’ll try,” she whispers, swallowing hard.
“And I’ll help you. Can I play you something?”
“This song is perfect for you. Just listen.”
I pull my phone from my pocket and bring up the track that I want, then press play on ‘Giants’ by Ruelle. I know Malia is a big fan of this artist since she mentioned her in one of our sessions, and I’ve been addicted ever since. The lyrics of this song are Malia to a T.
She smiles faintly when she recognises the artist and then listens carefully. It’s not a long track, and silence settles over us when it’s done.
Eventually I turn my head to look at her, only to find her staring at me, her eyes glistening with tears.
“Is that how you see me?” Her voice is so small, so unsure.
“You’re a warrior, Malia,” I tell her emphatically. “There’s nothing you can’t do.”
“I can do anything?” she asks tentatively. I nod, desperately willing my message to go through, for her to believe me.
“Then I want to do this.” Boldly, she closes the gap between us and kisses me, completely taking me by surprise. Her lips are so soft but despite her bravery in making the first move, her kiss is hesitant, like she’s asking if it’s okay. I cup her face in my hands and kiss her back, giving her the answer she needs.It’s more than okay.
She tastes like home.
As soon as the thought enters my mind, I’m transported into a memory.Palace walls, opulent furnishings, marble corridors. A melodic laugh. A hand in mine. Jewelled rings on delicate fingers. Heavy footsteps. My finger on soft lips urging someone to shush. Excitement. Exhilaration. Stolen kisses in secret corners. Whispered dedications of love.
“I-I can’t,” Malia cries, pulling away from me. “I’m sorry!”