Page 27 of Revered
I climb out of bed, ignoring her whimpers of protest, and open my bedroom door. Checking the coast is still clear, I scoop Malia into my arms and carry her to the bathroom.
I’m on my best behaviour in the shower because it’s clear that my girl is done and needs her bed. Once we’re out and I’ve carefully towel dried her hair, I lead her back to my room and back to my bed.
“Do you want a shirt or something to sleep in?” I offer.
“No,” she says around a yawn. “Your arms will be perfect.”
Biting down the urge to tell her how perfect she is, I climb in beside her, pull the duvet up around us, and flick on the TV.
“Any preference on what movie you want to watch?”
She yawns again. “Anything. My eyes are already shut.”
I chuckle and kiss her, before switching off the TV and pulling her into my arms. My eyes drift closed, and I relax in her warm embrace. For the first time since I met her, I feel completely at peace.
I awake early the next morning, with Reef’s strong arms around me. For a while I just lie there, enjoying the early almost-morning light starting to sneak in through the windows and admiring the vista beyond. I love dawn. Could never pick between sunrise and sunset. Both are beautiful in their own right and incomparable if you ask me.
Last night was amazing. Hell, the whole of yesterday was, if I'm honest. I can’t believe how close to Reef I feel in such a short space of time. It sounds stupid to say I feel like I’ve known him forever, when I obviously haven’t, but it’s like something in his soul soothes mine. He’s a perfect fit.
But I have a breakfast date to get ready for, and as much as I hate to leave the warmth of his bed and his arms, I’m looking forward to spending time with Bhodi too. I guess breakfast dates have kind of become our thing, and I’m excited to see what today’s will entail.
Slipping from the bed with care so as not to wake Reef, I tiptoe across his room, snagging my clothes from last night. I grimace. I don’t really want to put them back on. It’s only a short dash across the hallway. It’s early. No one will see me, and besides, even if they do, I’m sleeping with three of them so surely it doesn’t matter.
What about the professor? You’re not sleeping with him – even though you want to.
I tell my brain to shut up. The professor has seen me naked before anyway. My skin heats remembering that moment, and then my blood boils when I recall what an arsehole he was about the whole thing.
Clutching my clothes to my chest, I open the door, check the coast is clear, and then dart along the corridor to Cove’s room.
I feel a touch of sadness when I see the bed’s empty, guilty that he’s given up his room to me indefinitely and I didn’t even use it last night. I should talk to him about him moving back into his room. We could share a bed. Or I could…
What, rotate between the three of them on a nightly basis?
Shut up.
Shaking myself, I dump my dirty clothes in the laundry hamper and then pull a clean bikini, shorts and tank top from the drawer that Cove gifted to me.
Glancing at my phone, which someone has kindly plugged in to charge on the bedside table for me, I tap the screen to check the time. Disappointment washes over me when I see that there’s no message from Summer. Feeling impulsive, I snatch it up and dial her number. It doesn’t ring. There’s no voicemail. It’s just…dead.
That’s odd.
I’m going to have to speak to the others about going to see her if I can’t get hold of her, but for now I’ll try sending her a quick email. To both her personal and her university address. Surely something will get through to her. I just want her to know that I’m not mad, I just need to know that she’s okay if nothing else, but that I would really love to talk to her. I finish the email like I did my texts – by telling her that I love and miss her.
Done, I dart across the hallway to the bathroom to wash and brush my teeth, not needing another shower after last night.
I’m just finishing getting ready back in Cove’s room, brushing my hair, when there’s a gentle tap on my door.
“Come in,” I call. Bhodi steps into the room, grinning. “What’s got you smiling like that?”
“You. You look amazing.”
“You were already smiling before you saw me,” I point out.
“I’m excited for our date.”
I raise a brow, not quite buying it. He’s not telling the whole truth.
He sighs. “Fine. And I just woke up Reef knocking on his door and he was upset that you’d already left without saying goodbye.”