Page 65 of Revered
“You can’t mean me?”
The professor nods gravely. “Yes, you. We’ve been looking for the star for years, and we were close to giving up, when you appeared. All signs seem to point towards you being the star, especially as the prophecy said the four of us would be drawn to you. You, Malia, are the chosen one.”
I stare at him, unable to believe what I’m hearing. “But…why me? It’s not possible. I’m just a human. I don’t have any powers or anything.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” the professor says, leaning forward, his eyes boring into mine. “You do have powers, powers that have been lying dormant within you. The voices in your head aren’t because you’re crazy or sick, it’s because you, too, have magic. And you’ve been slowly leaking it ever since we met.”
I shake my head. “That’s not possible,” I whisper.
“It is. Think about it, Malia.” He gets up and the guys immediately start to whisper. I’m too focused on the professor to work out what they’re saying but the odd snippet comes to me and just confuses me even more.
The professor retrieves something from the lounge, coming back with my notebook in hand. I frown. I’ve been looking for that. I wondered where it had gone, was worried about who might have found it. “For starters, you wouldn’t be able to see our weapons, much less activate the blades so that they glow blue. You shouldn’t be able to see other supernatural beings. Girls with wings and tails, and guys with fangs—”
“And fleas,” I joke.
“Because he was a wolf shifter.”
“People can’t turn into animals,” I say flatly. My brain feels overloaded with information.
“And Cove shouldn’t be able to breathe underwater. But he did. You’ve seen mermaids in the water and chalked it up to being crazy, but no matter how many drugs they pump into your system, they can’t stop the magic within you.”
This is all too much.
I push my chair back, needing to move, and wince as it scrapes loudly against the floor. I start pacing.
“You have it all here in your notebook, Malia,” the professor says before starting to read aloud. “Why do you hear people’s thoughts? Because of your magic. Why don’t you hear our thoughts? Because we have mental wards in place unless we choose to drop them and communicate with you.”
“Like you did at the station,” I whisper.
“But…when I’m around you guys, I don’t hearanyone’sthoughts. At all. It’s…peaceful. It’s what drew me to you in the first place.”
“That’s the prophecy. If we didn’t bring you that peace, in order to forge a bond, we would never have found each other.”
“You would still have been my professor.”
“But I highly doubt you would have kissed me. Or any of us. Am I wrong?”
I shake my head. “No. It’s out of character for me.”
“We take you out of your comfort zone bybeingyour comfort and your safety.”
I know he’s right, but still…this is alotto take in. I halt my pacing and fix the professor with a hard stare.
“Tell me about the water.”
A flicker of…panic? washes over his face, but it’s gone so quickly I almost miss it. The professor sighs.
“There’s different water. The one I brought you in the police station was to help calm you. It settles nerves and soothes anxiety.”
“But the other water doesn’t. The one you keep in the fridge. The one that they all drink too.”
“You know what it does, Malia.”
“I want to hear it from you,” I say stubbornly, crossing my arms over my chest. He’s admitted it’s not regular water, but do the others know? I don’t think they do.
“Boss? What’s she talking about?” Bhodi asks.