Page 67 of Revered
“Tell me more about this prophecy,” I say. “And the bad guys.”
“Please…sit down and I will.”
Sighing, I take my seat, force my fingers to unfurl, and drum my fingers on the tabletop instead, impatient and angsty and overloaded.
This is a lot. Too much. Why do you keep asking questions, Malia? Just say ‘thanks, but this is all the bandwidth I have for today’ and run for the hills. Run the fuck away.
“Shikari are the supernatural species who hunt our kind. They were once like us, but they grew greedy and corrupt. They’re hunting for this star that the prophecy speaks of, because if they can find it first and neutralise it, they’ll be able to infiltrate our world and destroy it, but doing so, with their armies, would likely wipe out this world too.”
“And these Shikari…are they what have been killing girls on campus?”
“But why are girls vanishing now instead of dying?”
“We don’t know. We think the Shikari are still taking them, but rather than killing them on the spot, they’re possibly taking them to sacred locations to complete the rituals needed to tear open the portals to our world.”
“But it’s not working.”
“Only the star would open the portal.”
“So their deaths are for nothing?”
“Sadly, yes.”
“That’s horrible,” I whisper, aghast. “Why are you protecting me and not them?”
“Because we can’t protect everyone. But by keeping you alive, Malia, we ensure that not one, but two entire worlds, survive.”
“Sacrifice a few to save many?”
“If we had any other choice, we’d take it. We don’twantanyone to die, Malia,” Cove says, reaching across the table to take my hand.
“I’m guessing it’s not the Shikari making me look like the murderer then?”
“No. They would just kill you if they knew who you were.”
“So who else is targeting me, and why?”
“We don’t know yet. But we’re trying to find out.”
I take a deep breath and slowly let it out before nodding.
“Are you okay, little dot?”
“Yeah. I guess.”
“We know it’s a lot to take in, we’ll answer any questions you have, but you don’t have to ask them now,” Reef says kindly. “It’s okay to take some time, and we can give you space if you need it.”
I should ask them about the weird lady in my dream…the fire…Trial by Fire the police officer said. The professor mentioned it too. What does that mean?
But I don’t say a word.
“Okay. Thank you. I might have more questions later but for now I just have one.”
“Ask it,” Cove prompts, squeezing my hand. “We’ll answer.”
“Okay…if I’m this star that your prophecy seems to be talking about. How am I meant to save the world –worlds? – Because I can’t figure it out. You can’t just hide me from the Shikari forever, right? I get the impression they won’t just get bored and give up. So, how am I meant to save everyone? What do I have to do? I’m certainly not a fighter.”