Page 110 of Prettiest Psycho
I’m obsessed. And obsession never ends well for me. Or forhim.
The need to have her again is all-encompassing. It takes over my every waking moment, every thought, every dream. My nightmares have been replaced by her. Having her, taking her, showing her who she can be. And when the nightmares start, they’re always the same: losing her tohim.
I don’t message her. I leave the phone in my hoodie pocket and follow the others out of the dining hall, watching with resentment building in my chest as Honeymonster flirts so effortlessly with her.
Why can’t it be that easy for me?
Ever since that day in the studio, I’ve been trying to figure out how to approach her. It’s not just about the sex. I want that connection. She seems to have it with everyone except me. Even with Snow and Bones – their hateful banter isn’t fooling anyone.
I want to be able to talk to her, to hold her, to feel her warm body close to mine. But I’m afraid. I’m afraid of losing control, of giving into my obsession and scaring her away. She’s too important to me to risk it all. To lethimget his hands on her.
I guess that’s a problem for another day, because we’re about to face down hell week.
We come to a stop outside Seytan’s office, and she leads us wordlessly to wherever this afternoon’s session will take place. It’ll fill the whole afternoon and well into the evening and night, but I doubt any of us will be hungry after we’re done here. Facing our demons only ever leaves us broken and exhausted.
As we walk along the corridors, I can feel the tension building inside me. My obsession with Kayla is like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, and I’m afraid that today might be the day that it finally does.
“Today, we’re going to explore our deepest fears,” Seytan says, her voice echoing off the narrow walls as she comes to a stop outside the pool room. “We’re going to confront the things that scare us the most and see if we can overcome them.”
A knot forms in my stomach as I think about what she’s saying. My fear isn’t something that can be conquered by facing it head-on. It’s something that’s deeply ingrained in me, living within me. How do I confront a part of myself? How do I cut it out whenitfesters and breeds inside me like a cancer?
“You’ll be locked in this room until fears have been faced – however long it takes. Good luck, and welcome to Hell Week.”
She pulls open the door to the pool room, and we all file in, me at the back. Behind me, Seytan closes the doors and I hear the key turn in the lock, before her steps echo away down the corridor as she leaves. Doesn’t mean she won’t be watching us though. I try the door anyway, but of course it’s locked.
The room is dimly lit, with only a few small lamps casting shadows on the walls. The air is heavy with the scent of chlorine and something else, something musky and dark. Water is dripping somewhere in the room. I’ll admit, I don’t love the water, don’t spend any time down here, but this place looks dank and foreboding, and I can’t imagine why anyone would willingly come here to swim.
I look around and see the others have already begun to scatter, each taking a corner of the room. We know the drill, we’ve been through this before. But this time, it feels different. There’s something in the air, something sinister.
I make my way to the edge of the pool, my eyes drawn to the dark, rippling water, and the knot in my stomach tightens as I stare at it. The water seems to be alive with something, something lurking beneath the surface.
“What are you afraid of?”
I jump at the sound of Kayla’s voice, turning to see her standing behind me, her long fingers toying with her phone. Her eyes are wide in the dim light, fixed on mine. She doesn’t come closer.
I swallow hard, my heart racing. “I’m afraid of losing control,” I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. “Of giving into my obsessions and scaring people away.”
Kayla nods slowly, her expression thoughtful. “I know how that feels,” she says softly. “But sometimes, you have to face your fears head-on. Confront them, and don’t let them control you.”
A surge of courage wells up inside me. Maybe Kayla is right. Maybe it’s time to face my fears, once and for all. I pass her the phone from my pocket and turn back towards the pool.
Without another word, I take a deep breath and dive into the water. It’s cold and shocking, sending a shiver down my spine. But as I swim deeper, I realise that there’s nothing here to be afraid of.
It’s just me, and the water, and the darkness. And for the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m in control.
Maybe this session today isn’t about me orhim.
I swim to the end of the pool and climb out at the other end. I’m dripping, and the air is chilled against my skin, causing me to shiver. The cancer inside of me stirs, its interest piqued by Kayla’s presence. I turn away. I won’t let him have her.
Kayla walks over to me, concern etched on her face. “Are you okay?” she asks, reaching out to touch my arm. Her touch sends a jolt of electricity through me, and I feel my control slipping away as the other part of me, the darker part of me, basks in her touch.
You can’t have her. She’s mine.
You’re weak.
I saw her first.
A pathetic argument for a pathetic shell of a man. Or should I say boy?