Page 138 of Prettiest Psycho
“The one I hope we put in you last night. But never fear, after we’re done here, I’ll see to it that you’re definitely knocked up by the end of the night.”
“After the bloodbath?” I reply sardonically, trying to hide my body’s reaction to his dirty words.
“I couldn’t think of a better time than when we’re bathed in blood.”
“Gee, you say the most romantic things,” I quip, even as my heart does somersaults and swears he’s just professed his undying love for me.
“Yeah, but your core is clenching and your thighs are damp and you wish you wore underwear with that delectable dress now, don’t you?”
I hate that he’s right.
“It’s almost time,” I whisper.
The atmosphere in the room has shifted. The guests are getting restless as they wait for the main event. I can feel the tension in the air, almost taste it. It’s palpable. This is what we’ve been waiting for – our chance to take down these powerful men, to stop them from preying on women like they’re disposable objects.
Night moves closer to me, his breath hot on my neck. “Stay safe,” he murmurs, his hand on the small of my back. “We’ll take them down together.”
I nod, feeling a sense of solidarity with Night and the rest of the team. We’re in this together, and we’ll come out of it together, too
Suddenly, the lights dim and the music stops. A hush falls over the room as a spotlight shines on a stage at the far end of the ballroom. Markus steps forward, his hair looking greasy in the bright beam of the spotlight.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight’s gala, where we celebrate the strength, resilience and tenacity of these beautiful young women.” There’s a smattering of polite applause, and many of the women in the room shift uncomfortably on their feet.
Without exception, all of them are done up to the nines with glamorous hair and makeup, stunning evening gowns, and dripping in diamonds. I have to say the ‘charity’ has gone all out to make them look and feel the part. The duplicity makes me even angrier, and I bite my tongue until I taste blood to keep a lid on my rage.I can’t fuck this up before it even starts.
“Now, in just a minute, I’ll ask the ladies to go backstage where they’ll be brought back out to meet you, one by one, and share their survival story with you. We will celebrate each and every one of them for the heroes they are.”
More applause, though it feels fake to my ears. Can clapping sound sarcastic, mocking? Because this does. My stomach churns. This is my cue to leave.
I squeeze Night’s hand, rising onto my tiptoes to speak into his ear when he tilts down to me.
“I’m just going to use the bathroom,” I say, in case anyone is listening. “I’ll see you after?”
He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and flashes me a warm, confident smile. “You’ll do amazing. Remember, every woman here has a story like yours. I’ll be right here in the crowd, look for me if you get nervous.
I blow out a nervous breath that isn’t entirely fictitious. “Thanks. See you on the other side.”
I let him go and head in the direction of the rest rooms, which are thankfully part of the main room. This was an important part of Seytan’s plan. To keep me from being separated from the guys, I get to hide out in the loos until the women are all gone, the doors are locked, and the fun can begin.
As I walk into the bathroom, I take a moment to compose myself. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins as the reality of what we’re about to do sinks in. We’re here to take down these disgusting men and show them that they can’t treat women like objects. I take a deep breath and splash some water on my face, trying to shake off the nerves.
I creep back to the restroom door, peeling the door open a crack and peering out. The women are escorted out of the room by a group of well-dressed security guards, who I pray are Seytan’s other team, and I watch them leave with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I know it’s going to be dangerous. At least they won’t be witness to it. They’ve been through enough.
Once the women are gone, the lights flicker briefly – our signal – and Bones steps out on stage behind Markus.
His throat is slit before the crowd can even react to Bones’ presence.
The room erupts into chaos as the guests scramble to get away from the stage. Markus is frozen in shock, his throat gaping open like a second mouth, as he stares unseeingly out at the crowd. Blood spurts from the wound, painting the stage in a gruesome red hue. And then Bones drops his lifeless body where it falls forward, off the stage and into the panicked crowd.
I watch from the shadows, heart pounding. This is it. The start of the bloodbath. Am I bloodthirsty, avenging or aroused?
Hell, why can’t I be all three?
The guests are in a panic, running for the exits and pushing each other in their scramble to get out.
The rest of my psychos, my team, emerge from the shadows armed with weapons. They move with a deadly precision, eliminating anyone in sight. The scene is like something out of a horror movie. Or a porno, depending on your tastes.
I watch in awe as the team moves in perfect synchronisation, taking out anyone who dares to stand in their way. The sound of gunshots echoes through the room, intermingled with the screams of the guests. It’s a symphony of chaos and violence, and I’m both thrilled and aroused to be a part of it. I pull open the bathroom door and step out into the carnage.