Page 141 of Prettiest Psycho
Andwedid that.
Silky hands slide under my dress, ghosting the skin and teasing at the wet apex of my thighs. My eyes flutter closed and I lean my head back into the night sky, silently begging whoever’s down there to put me out of my misery. but as suddenly as the hands were there, they’re gone, and a rougher, calloused hand finds mine, tugging me sharply back into the limo.
I hit the seat with a thud, frustrated and horny and mad.
But tonight we did a good thing, so maybe I can let go of the anger.
And I can take care of the other problem myself when we get back. Who needs six sinfully sexy psychopaths to take care of you when you have a fully charged vibrator back home?
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I ask, stepping out of the elevator onto the rooftop garden and immediately being assaulted by all things fucking Kookaburra. The smell of her hits me first, as intoxicating and distinctive as she is. She smells like a heady tropical flower, intoxicating, and one that if I get too close to it will bite my fucking dick off. Or make me crave more until I’m addicted, a junky desperate for my next fix. Her moans of pleasure reach me next, and when I round the corner, the sight of her splayed out onmybench with a short dress bunched up around her waist, makes my jaw clench.
And my dick hard.
I pull out my phone and snap a picture of her, to obsess over later.
It’s been too long since I was summoned to Seytan’s office. Too long since I was ordered tomake sureit was‘good’. Too long since I took three bullets to atone for what I did, and too long since we all survived hell week. Hell, even last night, seeing her in that dress and being stopped from touching and kissing her, has been too long.
Not seeing her, not sleeping, not eating….and being torn apart by an emotion I can’t explain. What has this girl done to me? She’s fucked me over and fucked me up. And now she’shere. In my space. Just when I managed to get her out of my head, she pops back up and infects me all over again.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” she snaps, pulling my thoughts away from the emotion I don’t care to examine any more.
“Defiling my sacred space,” I huff, hands on hips and forcing a fierce scowl in place to prevent myself from falling to her feet and devouring her.
I came up here to clear my head. To getherout of it. Why is she here, tormenting me?
“I’m enjoying nature.”
I scoff, happier to verbally spar with her than address the elephant between us.
“That abomination is not natural,” I sneer, nodding my head towards the toy buzzing in her hand.
She didn’t even have the decency to stop when caught in the act. Who does that?
And why does she make my balls ache so badly?
“Aww you sound jealous. Scared that a little bit of plastic and two AAs can do it better than you, snowflake?”
“It’s Snowclone. And no. I’m not jealous.”
“Really? Cause it kinda seems like you are,” she taunts. She shifts the toy and gasps, her eyelids fluttering closed in a moment of bliss.
That’s how it should have been. The first time I took her. Blissful. Earth shattering. Life affirming.
Not what I did.
Not what I was made to do.
She draws in a deep breath and opens her heavy-lidded eyes. She tries to fix me with a fierce stare, but her trembling muscles and the hitch in her voice steal her authority away. “I know you’ve been watching me,” she pants. “You’re probably the fucking pervert that’s stealing my panties too.”
“You don’t fucking wear any,” I complain. Because if she did, I would absolutely fucking steal them.
“Because they keep getting taken, duh. Now, if you don’t mind, kindly fuck off. You’re killing my buzz.” She laughs and waves her bright pink toy at me. “Buzzzzzz. Get it?”