Page 19 of Prettiest Psycho
Distinguishing Features: Scars below left eyebrow and on left shoulder from childhood trauma (taken from police and hospital reports).
Alias: Hatchet
Date of Arrival: 25/12/2000
Sentence: Life imprisonment within the facility with no chance of parole.
Treatment: Ongoing. Patient’s refusal to speak impairs treatment plan.
Crimes: [REDACTED]
Interesting creature. She’s beautiful. Stunning, actually. Really fucking sexy. And enigmatic to boot. She’s going to shakeandstir shit up in here.
Good. We could use it. Life has been getting boring around here. Or at least it has been for me. Trapped in the asylum for just over twenty-two years now, so many firsts stolen from me because of circumstance.
I learnt to let it go a long time ago. Holding on to that shit, especially rage and resentment, it fucks you up. I’d never have survived my teenage years here if it weren’t for the slew of counsellors coming through the doors teaching me to accept my fate and embrace theunique opportunitythat had been given to me here.
I see now that it was all propaganda, brainwashing bullshit. But at the time, those quacks really helped me. I guess they shaped me into what I am today, but I needed that. I needed that more than they will ever know.
I can’t help but wonder if the ballsy new girl is going to be my salvation as well. I sort of hope so. I can already see the determination in her eyes. The flirting, the quips, stripping naked and inviting me to shower with her…she wants to break me. She’s vowed to make me speak, and I’m going to enjoy watching her try.
I hope it helps her too. Despite the front she put up today, it’s clear to see that she’s lonely. Just a sad little girl in need of attention.
She’ll get plenty of it in here. But it might not make her any less lonely. Because loneliness isn’t created by the absence of company, but by the absence of connection. Sure, the others will fuck her brains out, but will that be enough? I doubt it. I’m sure she got this need met just fine on the outside. Didn’t fill the void inside of her though. It’s probably why she turned to killing in the first place. Chasing a high that no living person could give her.
It’s about time I did something good with my life. In a place like this, you really start to question the meaning of good and evil. To be honest, I’m not so sure there’s a difference anymore. But I’m going to try. I want to do right by her. Help her. By the time I’m through with her, I’ll be able to look her in the eye and remind her that she is loved, without words being necessary.
Name: Damien Night
Age: 34
Height: 6’3
Weight: 80kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark blue
Distinguishing Features: Numerous body and face tattoos (catalogued).
Alias: Nightshade
Date of Arrival: 04/05/2009
Sentence: Life imprisonment within the facility.
Treatment: Numerous unsuccessful treatments including [CLASSIFIED] clinical trials and shock therapy.
Crimes: [REDACTED]