Page 69 of Prettiest Psycho
I look down at the bandage. “What do I do withthat?”
“What do you do with it? Well, you wrap it around the…”
“I mean why am I here? It’s not for a lesson in bandaging myself up. And I already treated my cuts and grazes, so it seems a little unnecessary.”
“You’re right. You don’t need a bandage.”
“So why am I here?”
“It’s protocol to give all patients a check up after their…chip has been activated.”
“You mean after some arsehole in an office clicks a button and attempts to turn me into a french fry?”
The doctor chuckles. “Well, we prefer to call it ‘activating the chip’ but essentially, yes. I just need to run some tests to make sure everything is functioning properly.”
“With me or the chip?”
I glare at the doctor but sit down on the exam table anyway. She takes out a small device and begins scanning my body. As she works, I notice how attentive she is. She seems to really care for her patients, yet she knows about the chip and what it’s capable of doing, so clearly she’s a monster.
Her dark hair falls in waves around her face and her eyes are a bright blue that seem to sparkle in the harsh light of the infirmary.
I wonder if she’s the doctor who implanted the chip in the first place, or if she would have the skills needed to remove it. Obviously, I’d never outright ask her, but it wouldn’t hurt to try to get her on side.
“Are you the only doctor working here?” I ask instead.
“Hmm? Oh, yes. I was the apprentice until Doctor Cooper retired eighteen months ago and now it’s just me. I’m Sara by the way, Sara Callaway”
“But…doesn’t that mean you never get a day off?”
“I like my work. It’s not so bad.”
“Seems like one hell of a commute.”
“I live here on the island for the most part. Actually, most of the staff do.”
I want to say something about how shit that must be, to literally be a prisoner to your own job, I don’t think that will garner me any favour with her, so instead I say, “I was outside just now being shown around. It’s really beautiful.”
She smiles at me. “I love the woods, but if you trek to the northernmost point of the island there’s a spectacular waterfall.”
“I’d love to see that.”
“Maybe you’ll get to in the summer. I know they run all sorts of therapy incentives here and the summer months often involve more outdoor adventures.”
“Sounds good,” I reply with a bland smile.
“Well, everything looks good with you, Kayla. How do you feel in yourself?”
“A little deep fried, but nothing too bad,” I say dryly.
“Well, if you have any side effects crop up, just come see me. My door’s always open.”
“What sort of side effects should I be watching out for, you know, as a result of being electrocuted to within an inch of my life?”
“Oh anything really. Anything strange, come see me.”
“Will do.”