Page 95 of Prettiest Psycho
Snow is out cold on the floor.
“What’s wrong with him?” I whisper.
“He was shot. Actually, those bullets were meant for you,” Bones explains. I frown.
“For me?”
“You were running point. You opened the door. You were supposed to be the first one to step through it. Snow realised what was going on and shoved you out of the way.”
“Oh.” I turn my attention to Snow. He’s conscious at least, but paler than Ghost. I grimace. “Are you okay?”
“Peachy,” he replies drolly. Obviously he’s fine if he’s still capable of being an arsehole. I nod at him though, a silent word of thanks passing between us.
“Fuck. Now what?”
“You’re in charge, you tell us,” Bones drawls sarcastically.
“I don’t fucking know!” I cry, exasperated.
“I told you to keep your fucking voice down,” he snaps back.
Give me strength.
“Night, Hatchet, any ideas?” I ask turning to the two oldest members of the team and looking to them for guidance before I throat punch Bones.
Actually, punishing him sounds like a really good idea.
He carried your ass to safety.
One free pass then. But if he’s a dick to me again he’s getting it. Maybe a dick punch too for good measure.
Not too hard though. Wouldn’t want him out of action. You enjoyed being reamed in the ass by that bad boy.
“I think we should make a run for it,” I blurt out.
“Don’t be stupid,” Snow scoffs before grimacing in pain. Ghost appears to be tending to Snow’s bullet wounds, and either Snow’s a big baby, or Ghost isn’t being too gentle about it. My money’s on a mix of both.
“What? They can’t be watching us all the time,” I insist, even though I’m secretly terrified that it’s true.
“They literally have a chip in you, that can electrocute you at the push of a button, and yet you want to run?” Every word from Bones’ mouth drips with scornful disdain. “Did it not occur to you that the chip can do so much more than just fry your brains out? They might have GPS, maybe even a microphone too. Of course, they’re always watching.”
Fuck. How did I forget about the chip? I’m blaming the lingering effects of whatever they tried to gas us with.
“I’m going to get the chip taken out, and when I do, I’m out of here,” I insist with false bravado. “The offer is there to have yours removed too.”
“I’ll pass thanks,” Bones mutters sarcastically before raising his voice slightly so I can hear him better. “That’s how Kidney died. Trying to get his chip out with a carpet knife and a mirror.”
Who the fuck is Kidney?
“I’m not gonna do it myself, I’m not stupid. I’m going to get a highly skilled surgeon to do it for me.”
Okay, so maybe I’m reaching a bit on thehighly skilled surgeonbrag, but Iamgoing to get the doctor on side and I’ll take it from there. If she can’t do it, she’ll know someone who can. And if she doesn’t, well, she can learn. It’s not like I’m going anywhere anyway.
“Oh and you just happen to have one of those in your back pocket do you?” He scoffs. Dick or throat? One of them’s getting punched.
“Actually, I do. Maybe you should try making friends. Apparently you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”
“Enough you two,” Night calls out in a bored tone, though I swear there’s amusement tugging at the corner of his lips. “Stop bickering so we can figure this out.”