Page 113 of Candy Canes
“Even Dash.”
“Wow. Is that how you all met then?”
“Yeah. We’re brothers in that respect. But, don’t try to change the story. There’s clearly more to it than you just getting fired and losing your coat, so spill.”
We’re still a short distance from the town centre so I give him the abridged version. “Got home from being fired to find my flat stripped bare and an eviction notice. My boyfriend – now ex – made off with everything including the rent, the appliances and furnishings that came with the flat….everything. Even my toothbrush, vibrator and underwear. I went to Elle’s place and she loaned me the essentials.”
“She loaned you a vibrator?” he teases. He cuts another glance at me and I really like the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles.
“We’re close, but not that close. Besides, it’s hardly an essential.”
“It is if your partner can’t get you off,” he grumbles. He mutters something else under his breath – something that sounds a lot likelimp-dicked piece of shit –but I can’t be sure.
“Well, no partner at the moment but the guys at the club have been managing just fine,” I laugh, trying to hide my blush. There’s a tingling between my thighs that I’m trying to ignore but Wint shoots me a knowing smirk. “Shut up,” I groan good-naturedly.
I like him like this. Relaxed. Easygoing. Friendly. Could we be friends?
“Do you go to the club much?” I ask.
“I try to pop in once a week.”
“Do you ever play?”
“Rarely. But sometimes. Tonight will be the first time in a long time,” he admits.
“Oh.” My stomach twists at the thought of Wint with someone else. A feeling I have absolutely no business in feeling, I tell myself. “Well, do stop by the bar and say hi to me,” I say brightly.
“Oh, I will.”
We arrive, and Wint parks effortlessly in a space. “Do you drive?” he asks as we get out of the car.
For a moment I’m distracted by that tingling feeling in the back of my neck, but I chalk it up to being back near where I used to sleep. It’s not far from here and this car park was notorious for fights and stabbings and rapes once the sun went down.
I shiver and try to focus on what Wint just asked me.
“No. I never…learnt.” I have to bite my tongue to keep from telling him I could never afford to. I’m lucky Elle’s parents were able to get me ID and a copy of my birth certificate. I didn’t have those things on me when I ran from the foster home, and I wasn’t going back to ask for them.
Elle’s parents spent a lot of money working on my records. Hospital. Foster. Court. The gaps in my education. Throwing money at the problem to erase my past to give me the best possible future. I owe them everything. It’s not their fault I’m still a monumental fuckup despite their best efforts. I refused their offers of therapy. I don’t think it would have helped.
“Do you want to?”
“Learn. To drive.”
“Oh. Umm, I never really thought about it. Finding long term employment and somewhere to live should probably be my priority.”
“That sounds like a very sensible plan, Miss Canse.”
I smile. “That’s me. Miss on the straight and narrow.”
“Can I ask one thing, as an employer? And then I promise I’ll let it lie and we can enjoy our coat shopping.”
“Go on…” I say apprehensively.
“Why did that guy trigger you?” As if reading my thoughts he quickly adds, “I promise I don’t think you’re a danger or unstable or anything. I just want to know what steps we can take at the club to protect you.”
I give him an ironic smile. “It’s funny that I’m treated better at a sex club wearing just lingerie than at a family friendly diner. I promise you don’t have to take any steps to protect me….or your members. It won’t happen again.”