Page 118 of Candy Canes
I frantically shake my head ’no’ as he closes the space between us. He captures my chin in his hands and places asearing kiss on my lips. “That’s a shame. I was looking forward to getting on my knees for you, Kitten.”
I gulp as he releases me and steps back.
“See you later, Gumdrop.”
Then he’s gone and I’m left standing in the toilets holding a sex toy in my hand wondering how the hell I’m going to pull this off in a sheer lace slave outfit that leaves zero to the imagination.
Walking whilst wearing a triple pronged dildo is hard. Thank fuck I don’t have to worry about heels. Just Frost standing on my toes. It takes me several practice trips around the empty dressing room, before I’m confident enough that I don’t look like I’ve shit myself when I’m walking, to step out into the bar. The little bells on my outfit jingle delicately with each step.
It’s heaving. The busiest I’ve ever seen the place. I have to squeeze past so many people just to get behind the bar and when I make it, there’s no time to spare, I jump in serving customers.
The first few minutes are fine until I have to grab a bottle from the bottom shelf of the fridge and squatting down makes me gasp. I was so busy I’d forgotten about the toy inside me, but it just made itself known.
Frost shoots me a quizzical look but I ignore it, avoid eye contact and continue serving.
Just as the bell rings to signal the start of the session in the dungeon and the rooms being open, people begin to file out and I’m hit with a wall of vibration between my legs that causes my knees to buckle. I’m so surprised that I can’t even save myself, falling forward into Frost’s arms with a shriek.
Thankfully the bar is empty.
“Throwing yourself at me again, Bambi?” he says with a sexy smirk. It’s not cold like it used to be, and it makes my pulse skyrocket. “Here was me thinking it was the heels making you a liability.” He rights me on my feet and leans in close to whisper in my ear, “But maybe you’re just better suited to being on your knees instead.”
I have no words for that, but my core clenches around the toy inside me and his smirk widens when I hastily swallow my whimper. His gaze drops down my body and slowly travels back up again, lingering on my nipples which are stiff peaks trying to escape my lace slip.
I turn away from him and busy myself restocking the barely touched fridges, needing something to do to distract from the throbbing between my legs. There’s no vibration now, and for a moment I wonder if I imagined it. But I couldn’t have. My reaction was too strong. It doesn’t come back, so I carry on as close to normal as I can.
Tonight members are constantly in and out of the bar, so there’s a steady stream of people to serve, and Frost disappears at some point so I’m left on my own. Which is fine. It’s not heaving because the popular dungeon sessions haven’t finished yet, and I’m sure Frost will be back before then to help.
Thankfully he does return in time – just as the rush is beginning – and I’m surprised at how much I missed him being by my side.
“What have you been up to, Bambi?” he asks, eyeing me curiously. He’s probably wondering why I’m avoiding his gaze, but I don’t want to tell him that I’m glad he’s back.
I shrug. “Nothing, just here serving.”
I move to go behind the bar but he stops me with a hand around the upper part of my arm.
“Carol is going to come and relieve both of us after this next rush. We’re going to Room Twelve.”
I nod. “Okay,” I say with a smile, trying to hide my sudden nerves and arousal. I don’t know what’s in room twelve, but the glint in Frost’s eyes tells me it’s going to be good.
“Come here,” he murmurs, pulling me into his arms. “You look beautiful.”
He kisses me, long and slow, and I’m lightheaded when he pulls away. His lips are just leaving mine when I’m hit with another blast of vibrations and I whimper. Luckily this time my knees don’t buckle, so I don’t completely humiliate myself in front of Frost.
“Get to work.” He smacks me on the ass as I move to serve the first customer, but I’m so distracted by the toy between my thighs that it takes me three attempts to get their order from them. They give me a strange look as they tap their bracelet on the screen and move away.
With every customer I serve, the vibrations seem to intensify until I can barely move. I’m too scared too. I’m worried that the friction caused by walking will send me over the edge and I’ll come right here behind the bar in a room full of people. I could never.
“Are you okay, Candy?” Frost asks, coming over and stroking my arm. His touch makes me mewl. He chuckles.
“You’re really flushed. Do you feel alright?”
I nod, unable to speak. If I open my mouth a long low groan of pleasure and torment will escape and everyone will know what’s wrong with me.
“Take a break for a minute. Do you need to go to the restroom to freshen up?”
I shake my head. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to.
Suddenly there’s a shout in the crowd, raucous laughter and someone at the bar elbows their drink. The glass slides across the bar and falls off the edge in slow motion, spilling and smashing everywhere.