Page 34 of Candy Canes
She’s home safe and sound.
You left hours ago, what the fuck?
Had to make sure she was tucked up in bed, didn’t I?
You better have kept your hands to yourself.
You know that rule doesn’t apply to us, boss.
Knowing that my message will have pissed him off, I pocket my phone, pull on my helmet and start the engine. I have no idea why Candy is crashing at a friend’s house in one of the nicestparts of the city, or why she’s so desperate she needs this job and doesn’t even own a coat. She’s an enigma, that’s for sure. I’d like to claim that I want to get to the bottom of her secrets, but that’s not my style. I’ll leave that to Wint and his team of investigators. Despite what I told her, Iama one and done sort of guy, which isalmosta shame…I really enjoyed fucking her.
It nearly kills me, but the next day I master the damn heels, despite my sore ass and aching pussy.
I was a little disappointed to wake up alone, but I didn’t really expect a guy like Don to stay. I honestly don’t know what came over me last night, sleeping with strangers is not my style. But I can’t bring myself to regret a single second of it. He made me see stars. So many fucking stars, so many times. A girl could get addicted to being fucked like that – especially his dirty talk and the mention of his friends.
Elle returns later in the morning and laughs at me wobbling on the heels, but after watching me roll my ankle for a fifth time, she steps in to give me some pointers. Her advice reminds me of what Dash said, and once I take both of their words to heart, I start improving.
She heads out for the afternoon, leaving me to get ready for work. I don’t miss the way she slips a twenty into my purse so that I can get home safely.
Can’t be paying for motorcycle rides home with my vaginaeverynight now, can I?
After some research, I learn that I can get a bus from near my old house down to the docks, but still a few blocks away from theclub. It’s manageable, I can walk, and it will save on taxi fare. I will have to work on something safer for getting home though. Elle won’t fund my taxis forever. Although, once I get paid, I’ll be set. I just have to survive…a week was it?
I guess I need to get officially hired first.
I dress for work in jeans and another one of Elle’s soft sweaters, shoving my heels in my bag to take with me. There’s no way I’m wearing those on the bus.
Thinking of Don’s hand on my ass last night, I make a mental note to prioritise buying a coat as soon as I get paid too.
By the time I arrive at the club I’m nervous again. I don’t really know what to expect; my shift being cut short last night not really giving me the full experience of what the club has to offer. I didn’t see anything besides the bar and the staff areas. There’s definitely more to it than that.
I rap on the same door as last night, and a moment later it swings open.
“Oh.” Don’s eyes flash with surprise before his face shuts down. “It’s you,” he says flatly. “Didn’t think you’d be back.”
“Yeah, well, here I am,” I say awkwardly, holding my arms out and offering him back the leather jacket he left with me last night.
He stares at it like it might bite him before turning his gaze to me. His features harden.
“You get a coat? I don’t see one.”
“Erm, no. Not yet. I’ll grab one at the weekend when I get paid—”
“Keep it.”