Page 42 of Candy Canes
I jump to my feet and scramble towards the door, only stopping when he calls out to me at the last second.
“Oh, and Candy?”
“Yes?” I look back and meet his raised brow and self-satisfied smirk. “Yes,boss?”
“There’s a very strict rule here: no sex.” He says it with a smirk on his face, so I can’t entirely tell if he’s being serious or not.
“I’dneversleep with a customer,” I reply, aghast.
“No, no sex at all,” he replies emphatically.
“I wouldn’t sleep around on the job, with a customer, colleague or otherwise,” I clarify. It’s not like I wanted to do what just transpired. He didn’t give me a choice. It doesn’t matter that I loved it. I wouldn’t repeat those actions. This job pays too well and I need it too much to fuck it up over some dick. Obviously Don last night doesn’t count; I didn’t know about the rule.
“No sex with anyone at all. Insideoroutside of this establishment.”
“Can you do that?” I gape at him. Can they legally do that? Dictate your private life? Surely not.
“With what we pay, we can do anything.” His smile is smug but there’s something in his eyes that makes me question how truthful he’s being right now, but I’m in no position to question or challenge him.
I consider quitting, right here and now, because of how outrageous his demand is…but I really do need this job. The last time I was this desperate I willingly chose to live on the streets. I don’t want to go back to that again.
And it’s not like I’m getting any anyway – last night was just a fluke. A mistake. One I won’t be repeating.
I nod.
“I understand, sir.” I mean, how would he even know if I was having sex outside of the club?
North smiles, the slow cat-like grin of a predator who’s just won a game of cat and mouse. I swallow nervously and the sound comes out unnaturally loud in the otherwise silent room.
“Good. You’re hired. Now go tidy up and get ready. Tell Vixen to sort your hair and makeup again, and arrange an intimate waxing appointment for you. Oh, and wear thenewheels.”
I bite back my groan of frustration but the smirk on his face says every emotion I have has just played out on mine. I hate him.
Think of the money, Gracie. You can do this.
I wait for Candy to leave my office, padding away on bare feet, her makeup all smeared down her face in tear tracks. She’s oblivious to how gorgeous she looks right now. Fuck, my dick is still semi-hard and throbbing for her.
Thankfully the club isn’t open yet, and so only the staff will see her, but it stirs something in my gut. I don’t wantanyoneto see her like that.
Not unless it’s on my terms. Trussed up in the dungeon and at my mercy. Her beautiful skin striped red and white like a real life candy cane. Begging me to fuck her, to get her off, to use her however I want. And all the while she’s calling me daddy…
Great. Now my dick’s rock hard.
I wait until she’s crossed the bar and disappeared into the staff dressing rooms before heading downstairs and stopping by one of the bathrooms to clean up the cut on my forehead. Looking in the mirror, I smile at her little show of fire. I hope it leaves a scar. It would give me an excuse to punish her every time I look upon my reflection.
She could be the world’s worstwaitressand I wouldn’t let her go after that little stunt. No, my curiosity just ratcheted up tenfold. I want to get inside her head and under her skin. I thinkthat the little doll could breathe fire if provoked in the right way. And I want to be the one doing the provoking.
Once I’m sorted, I return to my office. I tell myself it’s so that I can work, but in reality, I sit at my desk and stare out of the window overlooking the bar to see Candy in action.
Despite the heels, which was a shitty move on my part I’ll admit, she does well behind the bar. It’s always busy when we first open, all of our members choosing to socialise for an hour – sometimes two – before the fun begins. There’s a two drink max policy, just enough to loosen inhibitions and settle nerves, not enough to inebriate and cause problems. And if patrons plan to use the dungeon at all, their drink allowance is zero so we can ensure full consent capabilities for all participants. Upon arrival they scan their wristbands and indicate which areas they’ll be visiting for the night, and their drink allowance is automatically loaded or removed depending on their selection. It’s not perfect, but it works.
I watch Candy avidly. She’s nervous to begin with, tense around Frost who has a face like thunder whenever he looks at her, but once the bar gets busy, she warms up and really hits her stride. She greets every customer with a smile and eye contact, never baulking at their attire and she serves efficiently. Aside from the odd wobble on the stilettos, I can’t fault her. More’s the pity. I’d love to drag her up here again for another punishment.
When the bell rings to signal that rooms are available and shows are about to start, the crowd file out of the communal space, warmed up and ready to go chasing their highs.
As soon as the space empties, Candy’s entire demeanour changes. Gone are the smiles and the eye contact, replaced by tense shoulders and a withdrawn expression. Frost says something to her and she flinches, before grabbing a cloth and spray and coming out from behind the bar to clean up.