Page 107 of This Spells Love
I throw my arms around her again and squeeze. “I will make an attempt to explain the best I can later, but right now, I need to go.”
“To Dax’s place. To water his plants.” To solve another missing piece of the puzzle.
Kiersten walks me to the door. “It’s gonna be okay, Gems. I have a feeling it’s all going to work out.”
Again, I get an eerie sense of déjà vu. She said the same thing less than forty-eight hours ago. In a different timeline. In a different life.
A feeling settles over me. At this moment, I know that no matter where I am, my sister will always be there for me.
I reach my arms around her waist and lay my head on her boobs. “I want you to know I love you with my whole heart.”
She strokes the back of my head. “Let’s take this as a learning moment, and maybe next time lay off the tequila.”
Chapter 31
Ten minutes later,I’m pulling up in front of Dax’s building.
God, I missed owning a car.
Dax’s spare key is on my Dr. Snuggles keychain, exactly where it should be.
As I take the stairs up to his apartment two at a time, my heart seems to boom louder with every step.
First floor.Kaboom.
Second floor.Kaboom.
Third floor. It’s a drum line all the way down the hall to his door.
This is it.
I have a plan. If I walk in there and it looks like Dax’s old place, it means everything worked out as it was supposed to. His store is still a huge success. I haven’t screwed it all up for nothing. If it looks like it did in the other reality, well…I haven’t quite figured out what I’m going to do in that case.
I slip my key into the lock, but as I go to push the door open, a last-minute thought crosses my mind and I freeze in panic.
What if Dax decided to come home early? What if he’s inthere now? What if he has continued dating that vet’s assistant for the last month and is half in love with her already?
They could be in there.
They could be naked.
His big beautiful penis could be in her magical vagina and I could be walking into something I’ll never, ever be able to unsee.
The idea makes me want to throw up.
I knock. “Hello, it’s me, Gemma. Everybody decent in there?”
There’s no answer. Still, I cover my eyes as I push open the door. “Still Gemma here. I’m coming in. Speak now or forever make things awkward.”
I splay my fingers enough to see his far wall. The painting he bought at last year’s Art Gallery of Hamilton auction hangs on the wall and there are no naked bodies.
This is a good sign.
I continue my half-hindered glance around the room.
The big screen he insisted was an integral pièce de résistance for any bachelor pad is on top of the Pottery Barn console. The tan leather couch that cost as much as I take home after taxes in a month is sitting on top of the genuine Persian rug we drove all the way to Toronto to buy from a guy who only sells them by appointment from a warehouse in the furniture district.