Page 33 of Feast
“Touché.” He was having such a good time teasing her that he almost hated to end it. But he was either going to have to fuck her soon or take himself in hand—he was leaving a wet spot of his own. “What’ll you give me if I let you come?”
“I’ll let you live,” she ground out.
“Bad girl,” he admonished and whacked her outer thigh. “Try again.”
“I won’t report you to The Hague for war crimes?”
“Strike two,” he drawled and left a handprint on the other thigh.
“Stop hitting me, dammit! I have to be able to sit down later.”
“Give me the right answer, then.” He paused for a count of three, then said in his best big, bad, Daddy voice, “I’m waiting, little girl.”
“Goddamn, that’s hot,” she managed. “Can you say that again, but let me record it on my phone so I can listen to it later?”
He refused to laugh, responding instead with a solid whack on her ass, right over the plug. “Clock’s ticking.”
“If you do that again, the question of whether or not I can come will be out of your hands,” she warned in a strangled voice.
“I could tell, your pussy nearly tore my thumb off. And I’m still waiting for the right answer.”
“You’re a cruel, hard man.” She paused for a breath. “Okay, okay. If you let me come…”
“I’ll let you fuck my throat in the shower after.”
“Interesting proposal,” he mused as though the idea didn’t have his dick threatening to pop out of his swim trunks. “But you promised that yesterday, so technically, you already owe me.”
“You fell asleep,” she replied promptly. “Since you were unable to uphold your end of the verbal contract, I was under no obligation to uphold mine.”
Jesus, he liked this woman. “I can just jerk off on your ass.”
“That’s so cruel.” She sighed heavily, as though vexed. “Okay, I’ll throw in some ball-sucking and taint-tickling.”
“Fingers or tongue?” he demanded.
“Tongue. But you wash—with soap—first.”
“Deal,” he said and slid his thumb out of her pussy. Her small sound of disappointment changed to one of delight when he grasped the end of the plug and gave it a solid tug, testing her resistance. After the first, instinctive clench she relaxed, allowing him to pull the plug—generously lubed—smoothly out.
He took a moment to admire the way her asshole fluttered and winked as it tried to return to its clenched state, then set the plug aside. He shed his trunks quickly, easing them carefully over his erection, then kicked them aside and reached for the condoms and lube.
The condom went on quickly, but he took his time with the lube, slathering his length with a thick coating. She was clearly no stranger to anal play and could probably take him with less, but she’d requestedlots and lots of lube, so that’s what she’d get.
He didn’t mind. He’d been with partners who liked the burn and friction of a lube-less penetration, and while there was a certain thrill in that, he was much more interested in controlling pleasure than he was in causing pain. Of course, sometimes the line between the two became blurred, as evidenced by the way she hissed in discomfort when he stepped up behind her and his thighs made contact with hers.
“Hurt?” he asked mildly, squirting a glob of lube directly onto her asshole.
She jumped at the contact—the lube was cold—and jumped again when he deliberately leaned into her. “Yes, it hurts.”
He poked a finger in her ass, pushing the lube in. “Do you like it?”
“Like is a very strong word,” she hedged, grunting a little when he added more lube.
“Does it make your pussy wet?” he asked bluntly.
“Well, yeah.”