Page 60 of Feast
But he wasn’t coming until she did.
“Come on,” he urged, pounding harder, driving faster. “Come on.”
“I’m trying,” she sobbed, tears once again pooling in the corners of her eyes. “I’m so close.”
“Try harder,” he growled, and in desperation, bent down and sank his teeth into one bouncing breast.
She screamed in shock and pain, thrashing and twisting under him and nearly bucking him off. He released her breast and she screamed again, hitting high C as her body went stiff as a board. The wand was pinned between them, buzzing against her clit and his cock while he ground against her, holding back with gritted teeth and pure force of will until she began to shake and he felt the clasping, grasping spasms of her cunt around him.
Then he pressed his head between her heaving tits and followed.
She staggeredinto the bathroom almost as soon as he got the ropes off her, assuring him in a clear if shaky voice that she could manage on her own. Still, he watched her until the door closed, then dressed in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and tidied up the bed before going to the kitchen and pouring glasses of water for both of them.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, he was pulling his bathrobe out of the bedroom closet.
“Here,” he said, holding it out for her.
“Thanks.” She slipped her arms in the sleeves, shrugging her shoulders to hitch it into place, and reached for the belt, shaking her hands out of the too-long sleeves to tie it.
She looked up at him, and he was relieved to see her eyes were clear. Ringed by smudged eyeliner and heavy, but clear. “Well, it covers my ass, which is more than I can say for the robes in Vegas.”
Pleased to see some of her usual sass, he led her over to the bed and handed her the glass of water he’d set on the nightstand. “Here. Drink the whole thing.”
“Yes, Daddy,” she said, and watching him over the rim, obeyed.
He took the glass when she was done and set it back on the nightstand, then drew her down to sit on the bed. “How do you feel?”
“Good. Sore,” she said with a pointed look that he supposed was meant to shame him. It failed. “I could use another slice of pizza. But I’m fine.”
“Good.” Feeling affectionate, he leaned down to kiss her. Her mouth went soft under his, yielding. He lingered over it, savoring her. When he lifted his head, he asked, “Do you want to eat the pizza in here, or in the living room?”
“Ah…the living room, I guess.” She looked adorably befuddled, like a woman who’d just emerged from a dream. “You don’t mind if I stay?”
“I want you to stay,” he said and rose to his feet. “Want to watch a movie while we eat?”
When she didn’t move, he raised an eyebrow. “Do you need me to carry you in there?”
“Oh.” She let out a half laugh and came to her feet, tightening the belt of her robe before slipping her hand into his. “No, I can walk.”
“Okay. I’ll heat up the pizza.”
“I’ll…look for a movie, I guess.”
“Find something funny,” he instructed and turned toward the kitchen. “I’m in the mood to laugh.”
“Who are you and what have you done with Spence,” she called after him as he walked away, and he grinned all the way to the refrigerator.
She foundThe Lost City and had it cued up and waiting when he came in with the pizza and two more glasses of water. They ate side-by-side on the couch, not really snuggled up but not apart either, and by the time Channing Tatum was losing his Fabio wig on stage, she’d relaxed enough to lean against him.
He didn’t seem to mind, which wasn’t really a surprise. He’d been plenty cuddly in Vegas, but for some reason, she hadn’t expected it now. She’d have put money on him shuffling her out the door as soon as the sex was done. Instead they were sharing leftover pizza and a movie.
It was nice.
“Is that the guy from Harry Potter?” he wondered, pointing at the screen with his pizza crust.