Page 72 of Feast
She felt gingerly along her scalp. “I hit my head on the mirror.”
“Shit,” he said again. “I’m sorry.”
She caught his eyes in the mirror and smiled. “I’m not.”
His eyes, dark with concern, lightened. “No?”
“Totally worth it.” She turned to face him. “Um. You’re going to lose that.”
“Hell.” He grabbed for the condom, stopping the slow slide off the end of his dick. He tied it off and dropped it in the trash bin, then tugged up his pants. “Filled that up instead of you.”
She reached for the leggings tangled around her knees. “Alas.”
“Alas?” he repeated, and she looked up to see his mustache twitching.
“Some fantasies aren’t meant to be fulfilled.” She wiggled to get her leggings into place, the fabric dragging over her wet thighs.
He zipped his jeans. “Why is this one of them?”
“It’s not, I guess,” she mused. “I’ve just never had sex without a condom.”
“Nope.” Her leggings were finally in place, but she realized she should’ve cleaned up first—there was definite squishage. “Dammit.”
“Nothing. Have you?”
“A couple of times, when I was young and hornier than I was smart. Once since.”
Ignoring the fact that her leggings definitely needed to be changed, she shoved her hair out of her face. “The gang-bang?” she guessed.
“Everyone got tested so Esme could get the full experience.”
“That’s nice,” she said, then paused. “Huh.”
“I’m not sure I ever thought I’d use those words in that context. How was it?”
“Nice,” he said and made her laugh.
“I would’ve guessed messy.”
“It was that, too.” He finished buckling his belt. “If you want to try it, I’ll get tested again.”
For some reason, that had the butterflies in her stomach doing their silly dance again. “That’s sweet. And again, not words I ever thought I’d use in that context.”
“You’re on birth control, right?”
“God, yes,” she said, then started when a loud thump sounded from the living room.
He jerked his head around. “What was that?”
“Maybe Halley’s book stacks fell over,” she muttered and eased past him to crack the door open and peer into the living room, where her sister was now face down on the floor next to the couch. “Shit.”
“It didn’t even wake her up,” Spence observed, following Maddie out of the bathroom.