Page 16 of Nauti or Nice
But watching the gruff man blush and explain himself in an adorkable manner did funny things to me. Like stepping on board a ship for the very first time, my legs wobbled and my stomach pitched.
Had I caught Noah’s bug or was there something else going on?
I’d go with the former. Anything else was just asking for trouble.
I didn’t get weak-kneed over men, and I didn’t pine for them either.
Especially not straight ones with beautiful eyes. I learned that lesson the hard way when I was in college, and I had no desire to go through that again.
“Okay, boys, let’s get this checklist done,” I announced, breaking the tension.
I’d considered taking Noah’s job when I first applied to work on charters, but I didn’t want to be stuck below deck all the time. I much preferred to steer the ship than fix it. Still, my engineering training would serve me well when I made captain someday.
I moved to stand beside Flynn to get the inspection underway.
Space was tight down here. Most of the lower deck was, including the crew quarters, but the engine room most of all. Every square inch was packed with expensive and highly sensitive equipment—electrical, A/C, plumbing—and required constant monitoring.
Unfortunately, the small space meant that no matter where I turned, Kiernan was there.
I’d never felt claustrophobic on a ship before, but I guess there was a first time for everything.
And to be honest, Kiernan could crowd me anytime. I liked that he didn’t bathe in cologne the way a lot of guys did. Instead, I could smell his musky sweat and something spicy, like cinnamon. I had the insane urge to lean closer to him.
And good God, I was acting like a teenager noticing men for the first time…
“Kier, can you check the control panel and confirm when I call out the number and it lights up green?”
“Will do.”
Kiernan stepped away and I finally let go of the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in. I was already sweating through my t-shirt, and I’d only been down here a few minutes.
“Y’all right?” Flynn asked me with a smirk. “You look like you need a cool down.”
I shook my head. “I already dunked myself in the marina tonight, so I’m good.”
“You what?” he laughed.
My face heated. “Don’t ask.”
“I get it. I’m getting warm myself. K is smoking hot,” Flynn whispered.
I turned and gave him my darkest scowl, but Flynn’s chuckle told me that I’d need to work on my face. I wasn’t as effective at silencing people with one look like Kiernan was.
“Shut up,” I hissed and forced myself to look at the cooling gauge in front of me. I tapped on the keypad below it.
“Too bad he’s kinda straight.”
I sighed.
“Can we please just get this done so I can go to bed? We have a busy morning ahead,” I paused. “Wait, why did you say ‘kinda straight’?”
“Let’s just say I’ve caught him checking out someone on board. Someonenota woman.”
“What? Who? When?” I demanded loudly.
Christ, I sounded like a jealous bitch. Flynn stared at me like I had lost my mind.
I think I had.