Page 18 of Nauti or Nice
And even if it were true, I wouldn’t cross that line with Kiernan. Friends were hard to find. Lovers not so much.
Why ruin a good thing?
Finally, I snapped out of my haze. And got back to work.
After we finished the checklist, I fixed a leaky pump while Flynn did the final tests. Once we were done, I practically ran past Kiernan and headed off to my room. I couldn’t talk to him right now.
Not after the bombshell that Flynn just dropped.
I was just getting over my crush on Kiernan and now this? Ugh.
The cabin was dark and quiet and a welcome reprieve from all the crazy thoughts ricocheting around in my head.
I normally shared the room with Noah, him on the lower bunk and me on the upper. But since he was sick and had been moved to his own room, I had the space to myself.
Not for long.
George had mentioned that I’d be sharing with another crew member. Probably Flynn since we worked opposing hours.
I’d just jumped under the covers, my ereader in hand, when I heard a soft knock on my door.
“Come in!”
Kiernan entered the room with his duffel bag in hand, another shy smile in place.
“Jana told me I’m bunking with you. I hope that’s okay.”
Holy fuck, this could not be happening right now. I wouldn’t be able to sleep for sure.
“Of course. My home is yours,” I managed to croak out.
“Right, well, I’m gonna wash up first.”
Kiernan threw his bag on the floor and ran into the bathroom.
A second later, I heard the water running.
Now all I could think about was him naked, water sluicing over those rock-hard abs.
I was never going to fall asleep at this rate.
As it was, all I wanted to do was jerk off to relax before bed, but I couldn’t even do that. What if he heard me? What if he saw? I didn’t want to make things weird between us, especially now that we’d started talking again.
After I’d been a complete dick and ignored his last texts.
I was still wracked with guilt and considered that was part of the reason why I couldn’t sleep lately.
I didn’t disregard my friends. But at the same time, my relationship with Kiernan was more complicated than that. I recognized my attraction to him, but it would never go anywhere. And for the first time in a long time, I was at a loss about what to do.
On the one hand, I wanted his friendship. There was something about me and him that just clicked from the start. I had lots of casual friends, but besties not so much.
Until Kiernan.
On the other, I worried that my naughty thoughts about him might reveal themselves and ruin everything.
Then he stepped aboard again, and I had no choice but to face him.
Face what I was feeling.