Page 26 of Nauti or Nice
“Of course.”
“And you’ll have to help Flynn as needed until Noah feels well enough to get back to work. Probably a few days.”
“Derrick has been with us for five months now. I have complete faith that he can manage the deck crew as needed in my absence.”
“Good. And I have another task for you. One which I hope you will accept.”
George paused and glanced at me.
“Okay?” I asked hesitantly, concerned at his mysterious tone.
“I’d like you to steer us out of port this morning.”
I was stunned. Totally speechless.
Happily so, but still. This was a huge step for me and one that I didn’t take lightly.
I nodded. “It would be my honor.”
“I’ll stand by, but I have full confidence in you.”
George held out his hand and I shook it.
“That means a lot, George. Thank you.”
“Thank you for your service. There’s no one I would rather have as my second in command. You’re going to make an excellent captain one of these days. Then you can man the ship and I’ll have time to sit on the deck with my husband.”
I glanced at George and bit back a smile.
“Something tells me that you’re not going to give up your job just yet.”
George barked out a laugh. “Quite right. This isn’t just a job, it’s part of who I am. Still, there will come a time when I’ll need to step aside and let someone else lead. And that’s exactly what you are. A leader.”
I was choked up and barely managed to nod.
I couldn’t wait to tell Kiernan. And my mom and brother. All my friends. This was a huge day for me and one that I had been working towards for a long time.
“If there’s nothing else, boss, I’ll have a chat with the crew.”
“I’ll meet you on deck shortly.”
George gave a clipped nod and headed back inside.
I radioed my crew and headed down to the bridge deck for a quick convo about our roles and responsibilities in the coming days. Then we made our way down to the lower deck to greet the guests.
All the crew lined up as usual, but Kiernan was missing.
I was about to head inside to search for him but suddenly the patio doors opened.
In navy shorts, and a simple white t-shirt, Kiernan stepped out and all my focus centered on him.
With his hair pulled back in his usual bun and his mirrored aviators on, he looked like the badass bodyguard he was.
But he was so much more than that.
Kiernan had hidden depths, a sensitive soul under that tough exterior. And I was fortunate enough to see it.
But now that I knew how he felt about me, and how I felt about him, how was I going to stick to my promise that we would only be friends?