Page 67 of Nauti or Nice
And after being together 24/7, I was so far gone for that man I didn’t know if I’d be able to step foot off this boat again without him.
Every morning, as soon as I came to, I would lie in the quiet of our room, memorizing Charlie’s face. I’d wake him up with soft kisses and he’d open his eyes and smile at me in that way that made my heart take off running.
Around eight, we’d hear a scratch at our door, followed by a gentle bark. I’d get up and let Ginger into our cabin. She’d run into our room and jump on our bunk, curling up between me and Charlie for morning cuddles.
I wanted to wake up like this every day. If only…
My Charlie knew me too well. He noticed the tension in my body. Charlie would distract me in the dirtiest way, and it worked, for a while. But my anxiety lingered. And every day that passed it got worse.
I hadn’t told Charlie how I was feeling but I didn’t want to ruin what had already been the best week of my life.
What if he didn’t feel the same?
Sometimes I caught him looking at me and I wondered, hoped, that it was more than sex. But I still wasn’t brave enough to launch that conversation. And I wouldn’t. Not until after Christmas. Once the holiday was gone, I’d face what I was feeling.
For now, I needed to distract myself.
Rowan’s family were due to arrive any moment, along with Andrew’s parents, so that would do.
I was on the bridge deck helping Jana with last minute preparations, including setting up speakers and moving furniture around to make room for an additional table.
Jana’s phone chimed. “The Carters are here. Thanks again for your help, Kiernan.”
“My pleasure.”
I enjoyed working here. Another reason why I was dreading heading back to my routine. My work in security paid well and suited my skills, but it could be boring as fuck. Bodyguard work wasn’t glamorous. Just long hours of waiting and watching. At least on the ship there was always something to do.
I wandered down to the lower deck to find the rest of the crew lined up, ready to greet the Carter clan, as well as Andrew’s parents.
And there, beside George, stood my Charlie.
In his white uniform, he was so gorgeous and confident that it hit me like the most powerful punch to the solar plexus. As usual, I slipped in beside him. With our hands behind our backs, Charlie reached out and touched mine. Just that one simple connection and my nerves quieted.
“How come they don’t have Christmas at Rowan’s house?” I whispered to Charlie.
“Rowan started the tradition the year he met Andrew. They like to spend Christmas on the yacht with the crew, and then they spend New Year’s at the house. We dock in the marina at Tortola.”
“Are you going to the house?”
“No, the crew will stay aboard. Except for George.”
“And after New Year’s?”
“Then we tour around the Caribbean for most of the winter.”
“You mentioned the other day that you won’t get home until April, right?”
“I’ve got a week off in February and will head home then. After that, I get a month off in April, when Rowan and Andrew return to London.”
I was about to ask Charlie to come visit me in Ireland, but Rowan and Andrew’s family had arrived.
Andrew’s parents were the first to walk aboard.
His mum and dad were both big on hugs, not handshakes, as they greeted everyone warmly.
Rowan’s father was next. Jamie Carter was an older, white haired version of Rowan, with bright blue eyes and a strong handshake. His wife, Ruby, was a petite woman, posh looking and chatty. Now I knew where Rafe got his fondness for the craic (convo).
Rebecca, Rowan’s sister, was the spitting image of her mum but half as talkative. And last, but certainly not least, was Aunt Cara, Jamie’s sister. I’d heard all about her from the crew. She was a romance writer and proud of the fact, as evidenced by her ‘I write smut’ t-shirt.