Page 7 of Nauti or Nice
So what? It didn’t mean anything. Right?
Nope. What about you?
Me? No.
Come on, women must be crawling all over you.
Not at all.
Maybe crack a smile and see what happens LOL
I tried that, but people say I look weird LOL
I’ve seen you smile and it looks good on you. You should do it more often.
You’re the first person to ever say that, but thanks.
I’m sure I’m not.
It’s true.
You’re killing me here.
What do you mean?
I watched as the three dots appeared, then disappeared.
I gotta go. TTYL
Charlie (Two weeks ago)
Kiernan: You around?
You didn’t respond to my text yesterday. Just checking to see if you received. Hope all’s well.
Checking in to see if you got my texts.
Hope you’re okay.
I stared at the messages and guilt gnawed away at me.
I’d been avoiding Kiernan’s texts for two days now, but I couldn’t avoid him forever. Just until I got rid of this stupid crush I’d developed.
This was so not me. I enjoyed casual hookups and no feelings.
And I couldn’t keep doing this. I needed distance from him. No texts, no calls, nothing. Just for a bit. Just to get my head back to normal. Under control.
I’m fine. Sorry. Work is crazy and I’m having sleep issues. Going to be in transit for the next while. I’ll give you a call after Christmas, okay? Have a wonderful holiday with your fam. Cheers.
He didn’t reply right away, and my gut churned.
Several minutes passed but they felt like hours as I stared at my screen.
I understand.
Did he? Probably not, and I felt like a total asshole.
No, I didn’t feel. I was.