Page 125 of Kisses Like Rain
He hands me a plate of pasta with homemade pesto sauce and sautéed cherry tomatoes before taking a seat. “I’m not going to let you eat alone.”
A bruise darkens his cheekbone. The one on his jaw is worse, but his stubble hides most of it. I motion at his face. “That’s going to be black tomorrow.”
His mouth lifts in the corner. “Your brother looks worse.”
Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I say, “Ryan is just protective because I’m his little sister. He’s always been like that.”
His eyes cloud over. “That’s something I can both understand and respect.”
Not wanting him to think of his late sister and be sad, I drop the subject. “The kids haven’t said hello yet.”
“I wanted to give you time with your family first.”
“I appreciate that, but you mustn’t feel you should keep them away. They’re my family too.”
He blows out a sigh. “Sophie’s gotten it into her head that since Brad and Ben Jnr. are here, you don’t need her any longer.”
“What? Oh, poor Sophie. I’ll talk to her.”
He drags a hand through his hair, messing it up. “When my grandfather died, his goats wandered onto a neighboring farm. I told Toma to pay the owner a month’s grazing fee, but my cousin never did. The old guy came here to ask for his money while I was upstairs with you. Sophie was there when Heidi opened the door. She overheard him talking about the death of her parents, which he saw on the news. He asked if Heidi knew how they died. When Sophie flew into a rage, accusing him of lying, he told her to ask me herself.” Leaning forward, he steeples his fingers. “That wasn’t how I intended for her to find out.”
“Oh no. I’m so sorry. Did you try to explain?”
“She wouldn’t give me a chance.” He meets my gaze. “She’s locked herself in her room and refused to come out for dinner.”
“What about the boys?”
“I took them aside and told them. I didn’t want them to find out from Sophie.”
Laying a hand on his arm, I ask, “How are they taking it?”
“More or less apathetic. I don’t think they were close. Guillaume asked if they’re in heaven.”
“What did you say?”
“That I hoped so. Étienne asked if we had to go back to the valley for another funeral. He didn’t seem to look forward to the prospect. Johan took the news rather stoically. I told Heidi to give them an early supper. I couldn’t let them sit through dinner in the dining room after telling them their parents are dead.”
My heart aches for them. “Did they ask how they died?”
“Only Johan. I wasn’t going to tell him, but I couldn’t bring myself to lie to him. I promised myself I wouldn’t betray their trust. So I took him into my study and told him that they were shot and that the bullet shells matched the old man’s shotgun.”
“Poor Johan. Is he all right?”
“He didn’t say much, but he didn’t seem surprised.” His gaze darkens. “He’s been no stranger to violence.”
“I’m sorry you had to do that alone.”
“It couldn’t be helped.” He cups my hand where it rests on his forearm. “I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell Sophie myself.”
“Maybe she’ll talk to me.”
His smile is soft. “You need to rest and get better.”
“This may come as a shock to you, but I can do that and speak to Sophie.”
A playful light sparks in his eyes. “Now don’t get wise with me.”
His strong frame fills the chair, making it look small. Underneath the shirt that’s unbuttoned to the third buttonhole, his chiseled chest is visible. The dark ink on his skin is an accurate picture of what lurks beneath the surface. Like the two-headed wolf, he carries his duality inside him. He’s a beautiful god and an invincible demon. Yet, this powerful man needs me. He needs me to navigate this new life we both chose freely, and he’s not afraid of showing me.