Page 129 of Kisses Like Rain
She cups her mug, meeting his gaze head-on. “It’s perfect, thanks.”
“How about Ben? Is the crib adequate?”
“Yes,” she says. “It’s a fine piece of furniture. It looks like an antique.”
“It was Angelo’s crib,” Heidi says. “His mother bought it from an antique shop and restored it herself.”
Angelo stiffens.
“No wonder it’s so beautiful,” Mattie says. “Thank you for letting us use it.”
“You’re welcome,” he says in formal tone before turning to me. “I’m taking the kids to school. I’ll be back in an hour. Do you need anything from the village?”
I shake my head. “I’m fine.”
He looks at Heidi. “Can I bring something from the market?”
“Doris and I are going after breakfast to do some shopping for dinner.”
He nods. “Let’s go, kids. Say goodbye to the ladies.”
Étienne and Guillaume hop from their chairs and put their plates and glasses in the dishwasher before running to the door and calling out greetings while Johan clears his place setting in a less rushed manner. Sophie does her share, but she doesn’t look at us as she says goodbye.
Angelo gives me another peck on the cheek before ushering them down the hallway.
When he’s gone, Mattie gives me a knowing grin.
“What?” I say, raising my shoulders.
“Nothing,” she replies, her grin intact.
During the day,I have more visitors, which makes me glad I asked Mattie to wash my hair. Fabien stops by after lunch with a huge bouquet of handmade chocolates and a bottle of sparkling grape juice. He entertains my mom, Celeste, and Mattie with stories of his world-famous clients, boasting that he even shopped for the queen of England and the prince of Monaco.
Roch swings by in the late afternoon, walking with crutches. Heidi serves tea in the lounge area of the room. Angelo considerately gives us a moment, excusing himself to fetch the kids from school.
“I wanted to say thank you—” I start.
“No thanks needed.” He shifts into a more comfortable position on the chair. “I’m glad to see you looking so good.”
“Don’t exaggerate,” I tease before turning serious again. “You saved my life and almost sacrificed yours in the process.”
“We’re both alive. That’s what matters.” He pins me with a look. “Do you understand?”
I know what he’s trying to tell me. I give him the same reply I gave Angelo. “I don’t break as easily as that.”
“No.” His mouth curves into a smile. “You don’t.”
“Angelo said he asked you to work for him again.”
“He knows why I won’t.”
“Congratulations.” I lean over and squeeze his arm. “I’m really happy for you, Roch.”
“Thanks.” He coughs and looks away. “I’m sorry about—”
“I know.”
When he meets my gaze again, the light in his eyes is compassionate. “You can always try—”