Page 41 of The Surrogate Nanny
“Have you been taking medication for pain management?”
“Not regularly. I don’t want to be addicted to that shit for the rest of my life.”
“Mhm,” Dr. Christy said as he reviewed my charts on his tablet. “You’ve been missing your physical therapy appointments. Have you at least been practicing your exercises at home?”
“Not really.”
“May I take a look?” he asked, setting his tablet on the counter.
“Knock yourself out,” I said, assuming the position as he donned medical gloves.
“Is there a particular time of the day when the pain is intolerable?”
“First thing in the morning,” I replied as he palpitated my leg.
“The muscles in your leg are tight, and because of that tightness, they’re most likely compressing against the nerves, making your pain worse.”
I covered my face with my arm and groaned loudly when Dr. Christy began to massage my thigh, loosening up the muscle.
“This is why you need to go to your physical therapy appointments,” the jovial man sang as he lifted my leg towards my chest.
“Noted,” I clipped.
“Any pain in your lower back?”
“Some, but not as much as my leg.”
I continued to hiss and groan as Dr. Christy continued to work my leg.
“You can sit up now. Any pain relief?”
I paused to evaluate myself. “I’d say I’m down to a 7.”
“That’s good. That was after five minutes, so imagine how much pain relief you’ll have if you’re compliant,” he conveyed, typing notes into the tablet.
“Will I ever be able to ditch this cane?”
“It’s possible, but we won’t know until you really put in the effort. Does your leg pain wake you up at night?”
“How many times a week do you wake up from pain?”
“Maybe three.”
“Do you sleep with a body pillow?”
“I recommend purchasing one. It will relieve the pressure in your leg at night and help with lower back pain. Any falls?”
“No,” I lied. The last thing I wanted him to do was freak out.
The next thing I know, he’s telling me I need to use a walker. Fuck...that...shit.
“Good. You also need to stretch and exercise that leg. Your next physical therapy appointment is next Friday. Please make it a priority. Do you have any questions for me?”