Page 44 of The Surrogate Nanny
“That was my bad, but I respect your decision. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, me too,” I replied, making a left at the next light. The restaurant’s sign shimmered under the streetlight. “I’ll see you around,” I said before hanging up and dialing Anthony without much thought.
“Everything okay?” he asked after the first ring. I smiled and rested my head against the headrest.
Why do I feel he’s been sitting by the phone since I left?
“I’m fine, but it looks like I’ll be going on a solo date. Jonathan had to cancel.”
Anthony was quiet for a moment. “Oh...that’s, I’m sorry.”
He does not sound sorry.
“Yeah,” I said casually as I watched satisfied diners filter out the restaurant’s busy entrance.
“You should still enjoy your night out. Don’t forget to try the Bella Italia. You’ll never look at alfredo the same.”
“Thanks for the recommendation. How’s Nori?”
“Being an absolute terror.”
“Not at all. Little Shark is about to get some warm milk and go down for the count. She’s been fighting it.”
“Oh. Is she doing that thing where she’s tugging on her hair?”
“She’ll be bald by the time you return home.”
“That’s reassuring. Maybe I should come home.”
“No, I got this, Simone. I’m getting off the phone now. Nori says she loves you and goodnight.”
The phone disconnected, and I sighed. Dining alone was an experience I mostly avoided if I could. The pitying looks from other patrons were too depressing. However, a night off was a night off, and I’d make the best of it.
I entered the dimly lit restaurant and was met by the aromatics of dough, fresh herbs, and wine. Soft, soothing jazz music played in the background, adding to the romantic motif. I felt out of place, but the welcoming smile from the hostess propelled me forward.
“Welcome to Rossellini’s. Do you have a reservation?”
“It should be under Baker,” I said confidently.
“Jonathan Baker?”
“Correct, but I’ll be dining alone tonight.”
She smiled gently. “That’s okay. Sometimes we are our best company. Please follow me.”
This place is pretty snazzy. I should’ve accepted Anthony’s offer to pay for my dinner.
Minutes later, I was sipping on a robust pinot noir that was three times my former hourly salary—a recommendation from my server. A trill came from my purse. I retrieved my cell phone and found an apologetic text message from Jonathan. I was about to return my phone to my bag when I received another notification.
Movement in Nursery.
I tapped the notification, and a smile tugged at the corner of my lips. Anthony held Nori in his arms carefully while rocking her to sleep. His lips turned up into a small, loving smile when Nori patted his face with a hand. I was awestruck when he began singing “Be Without You” to her. His voice was deep but melodious, touching something in my heart.
He played with Nori’s hand while his voice blanketed her, slowing her movements. He looked directly into the camera when he reached the part where Mary J. Blige sang about waiting up until her partner got home. It was as if he knew I was watching.
I want to go home. I just wanna be there...with them...with him.