Page 47 of The Surrogate Nanny
“A-are you sure?” I stammered.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life. You’re an amazing father, and you take care of me so well,” she paused to kiss me again. “Come in me.”
“What?” I asked, unsure if I heard her correctly.
“Come in me. I want to have your baby. For real, this time. I can see it—a perfect mix of me and you. I want a boy this time. Can you do that for me, Daddy?”
My dick twitched inside of her. He was certainly on board, and if I was was I, especially after that heated session last night. Simone was not only a wonderful mother but a wonderful human being. She was genuine, kind, patient, and more forgiving than she should be, but that was what I loved about her.
Love? Do I love Simone? No, that’s not the question. Of course, I love her. She’s the mother of my child. The question is, am I in love with her?
“You want to have my baby?”
“Yes,” Simone whispered.
“How bad?” I asked, quickening my pace. My balls were tightening, warning me of my impending release.
“Real bad.”
My tongue invaded her mouth as my hips snapped. The sound of her ass clapping on my thighs vibrated against the walls. I couldn’t get enough of it—the taste of her, the sound of her moans and pleas begging me to go harder and faster, the feel of her sweet nectar drenching my cock—I was addicted.
I came, filling her tight pussy with my seed, praying I didn’t disappoint, and gave her what she wanted. A baby boy—the perfect mixture of us.
I jolted awake, drenched in a cold sweat and other unmentionable bodily fluids. I looked to my right and found Nori grabbing onto the sheet, holding herself up.
What the fuck? Was I dreaming? It felt so fucking real.
“Nori? Where did you go?” I heard Simone call out from the hallway. “Nori?”
“Mama!” she squawked, alerting her mother of her location.
Simone popped her head into my bedroom with a warm but shy smile. “I should’ve known you’d sneak in here. Good morning, Anthony,” she said, entering the room. She scooped Nori up and kissed her cheeks, making our daughter squeal in delight. “I’m sorry if she woke you up. I was in her nursery, choosing her outfit for the day. I swear I turned around only for a few seconds and—Anthony? Are you okay?”
I clenched the sheet around me tighter and was relieved when my erection deflated.
“Mhm,” I replied, still trying to catch my breath from my orgasmic sex fantasy about putting another baby in her—the natural way.
“Are you sick? You’re breathing heavily, and you look a little flushed.”
“No, I’m not sick.”
“Did you have a bad dream or something?”
“Y-yeah. Sometimes the car accident comes back to me.”
Simone’s eyebrows furrowed together in concern. “Are you seeing a therapist?”
“What’s for breakfast?” I asked, attempting to distract her from her line of questioning. She grinned wickedly.
“Whatever you decide to cook for us, I suppose.”
There I go sticking my foot in my mouth.
“I guess I should return the favor since you’ve been doing most of the cooking since you moved in. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll meet you downstairs.” Simone smiled triumphantly and breezed out of my bedroom with her long white sundress billowing behind her. “I’m so fucked,” I groaned, falling back against my pillows.