Page 58 of The Surrogate Nanny
“You can, and you will. We’ll get on the plane, buckle up and enjoy all the amenities of first class, arrive safely in Florida, and enjoy the week celebrating your birthday and our first family vacation.”
“First?” I questioned.
“That would be all you heard. Yes...our first. I plan on there being many more. Where would you like to go next?”
“Can I pick any destination?”
“Of course.”
“I always wanted to go on a cruise,” I answered immediately. Anthony wasn’t the only one thinking about the future.
“And a cruise you shall enjoy.”
We spent the remaining two hours talking, reviewing Anthony’s very descriptive and color-coded itinerary, and planning and booking our cruise.
“Good morning, passengers. We will begin boarding flight #2473, departing San Antonio, Texas, with a final destination in Miami, Florida. We will first start the boarding with our first class-passengers, and immediately following will be parents or guardians with small children,” the gate agent announced.
“That’s us,” Anthony excitedly declared as he stood up. My anxiety revved up again. I was frozen in place. He took one look at me, sighed, and sat back down. “Simone, I know it’s frightening, but I’ll be with you the whole time. I also brought some Valium if it gets too tough, but I don’t think you’ll need them. Did I forget to mention that since you’re a first class- passenger, you can drink for free?”
“Drink what?”
“Anthony, it’s not even 8:00 in the morning yet.”
He shrugged casually. “Who gives a fuck? We’re on vacation. What’s it going to be? Are we getting on the flight, or are we going home?”
My fingers nervously twirled the bracelet around my wrist as my teeth worried my bottom lip.
Are you going to let your fears rob you of fun in the sun with your family? My family...if not for myself, I have to do this for my family.
“I guess...a glass or two of wine will be nice.”
Anthony grinned, and his warm fingers slid between mine.
“That’s the spirit.”
Nori stood between my legs, and I rocked her gently from side to side, trying to keep her preoccupied. Takeoff was rough on both of my girls. Nori cried and couldn’t be calmed until I placated her with one of her favorite soft shortbread cookies. Simone looked as if her life was flashing before her eyes. Her nails almost pierced through the leather armrest, and for the briefest moment, my mind wandered, wondering how’d it feel for those same nails to be scratching down my back. I shook the dirty thoughts from my head and focused on calming her. I whispered words of encouragement to her, and Nori pitched in by offering her a cookie. I chuckled when the cookie crumbled in Simone’s hand, leaving behind dust and crumbs. Simone didn’t relax until we reached cruising altitude and had her first glass of wine.
“Mama,” Nori said, swatting at her mother, who passed out after her third glass. I used my legs to lean Nori out of the striking zone to her mother. “Mama!”
“Nori, leave your mother alone. Let her rest.” My daughter’s face slid into a telling pout. She was moments away from throwing a fit. Her eyelids brimmed with fat tears that threatened to crest and fall. “No, baby. It’s all—”
“Mama,” she cried, reaching over to Simone, who was catching flies with her mouth wide open and a mask over her eyes.
“Nori Rene...get over here...and hush,” Simone mumbled as she opened her blanket.
“Go back to sleep, Simone. I got her.”
“Anthony James....”
My mouth dropped in shock at the use of my middle name.
That’s not fair. I’m trying to help her out!