Page 61 of The Surrogate Nanny
“Technically? If you want to look at it that way.” I waved my hand in frustration. “Listen, let’s cut the bullshit—”
I rolled my eyes.
“Simone, I have romantic feelings for you and believe you feel the same about me. We have a family together, and I want to exclusively date you if you’ll have me. There, I said it.” Both Simone and our child stared at me blankly, eyes blinking occasionally.
“I-I need to call Jonathan.”
“Why?” I asked, becoming frustrated.
Why is she bringing up Jonathan? Is she considering dating him again?
Her face cracked into a dazzling smile before saying, “I need to file an EEOC complaint against you.”
The tension evacuated my body once I realized she was joking.
“In any other situation, I’d agree with you, but our situation isn’t typical, is it?”
“’s not,” she whispered.
“So...what do you say? Should we give this a shot or continue pining after each other while we live under the same roof?”
“I don’t know...I kinda enjoy the pining. It was exciting,” she teased.
“Why imagine it when you can have the real thing?” I challenged. The smile on her face fell, and that was when I knew she had picked up on the not-so-subtle innuendo.
“A plane is not the best place to have this conversation.”
“I disagree. We’re thousands of feet in the sky, making it impossible for you to run away. Will you put me out of my misery or keep pretending you don’t want to be with me?”
She sighed and kissed Nori on the cheek. “I...I haven’t been in a relationship for years, so I’m a little rusty.”
I smirked. “I’m just as rusty. I understand your hesitancy, but you realize a title will change little between us, right?”
She nodded. “Okay, Anthony. I’ll date you.”
“Thank God because that EEOC settlement I would’ve been liable to pay would’ve screwed me,” I joked.
“It’s not too late for me to change my mind. I could see Nori and me sipping on beverages while laying out on our yacht.”
I snapped my fingers. “I’m glad you mentioned that. I’ve been thinking about buying a yacht. In fact, I’ve been in contact with a broker, and we’re meeting him in Miami. If everything is on the up and up, then I’ll sign on the dotted line and have it sent to Galveston.”
Simone’s mouth dropped. “A yacht? Don’t you think that’s a little...excessive?”
I leaned over and whispered. “I was wired $90 million this morning. The house and vehicles are paid off. Nori’s college fund is secured. The money is sitting there. Why not indulge and have a little fun? We’re both unemployed.”
“Thank you,” she said spitefully.
“You’re welcome. As I was saying, we’re both unemployed, and Nori’s not in school yet. We can take off on the yacht and travel whenever we want. Live a little, Simone.”
“Jesus,” she whispered. “A year ago, I struggled to pay my rent on time, and now...traveling the world on a yacht. It’s blowing my mind.”
“You deserve it, Simone.Wedeserve it.”
“Will you let me drive the boat?”
“Absolutely not. You just lay there and look pretty while sipping margaritas.”