Page 77 of The Surrogate Nanny
“So I can date her, duh.”
I chuckled and took a sip of my mimosa. “You know she can fuck you over if she wants to, right?”
“I’m well aware,” Anthony answered confidently. “However, we decided we needed someone reliable to watch Nori when we want to go on dates or vacations. The nanny would accompany us on vacation, of course.”
“Of course,” I remarked. “I’m always happy to help on date nights.”
Anthony smiled weakly. “Thanks, Jon, but it seems you have enough on your plate already. The bags underneath your eyes are so bad that you need a bellhop.”
“Fuck you,” I said, chuckling at his jab.
“I know, buddy. The truth hurts sometimes.”
We paused to give our order to the waiter. He jotted down our usual with a smile and disappeared with our menus.
“A nanny. I do need one, but where would I find one? I have three young kids—three young, energetic kids. I don’t even know where to start.”
“They have agencies for that sort of thing. You’re making this more difficult than it has to be. Finding and hiring a nanny should be a piece of cake.”
I rolled my eyes at his callousness.
Nothing is simply a ‘piece of cake’ when it comes to your children.
“Thank you for the advice. Anything new with you?”
“I have some news, actually.”
“Well…don’t keep me waiting in suspense.”
“I proposed.”
I nod. “What are you proposing?”
Anthony’s face crumpled with annoyance. “ Simone. You’re on the slow side today, huh?”
I laughed and rubbed my eyes, trying to clear away the fog. “I’m sorry, Anthony. That’s amazing. I’m happy for you. What did she say?”
He scoffed. “What did she say? I’m not sobbing over the basket of rolls, so…she said yes. We’re getting married. It’s so weird saying that aloud. I never thought I’d get married again, but I’m looking forward to it.”
He smiled shyly like a boy who just experienced his first kiss. Anthony loved Simone so much—it was written all over his face. I smiled ruefully, wondering if there was a time when Eliza and I were like that.
If we were, I can’t remember. It seems so far away—almost nonexistent. Anthony and Simone won’t share the same fate, though. That I’m sure of. What they have is love; what Eliza and I had was a disaster. I wonder if I’ll ever find authentic, real love.
Envy churned in my stomach, but my joy for my friend superseded. Anthony deserved it. He’d been through hell and back.
I’m glad he’s finally getting his happily ever after.
“I’m really happy for you. You deserve it, man.”
“Thank you. That means a lot to me, Jonathan. I don’t have many friends—hell, I think you’re the only one, so your opinion matters.”
I looked away bashfully. “Oh, wow. Simone did a number on you, huh? She installed a few emotions. I’m enjoying this software update. I might start calling you Anthony 2.0.”
“Simone would say your elevator doesn’t stop at the top floor.”
“It’s hilarious that you’re quoting her. You’re definitely a goner.”
“Oh, by the way, do I have to adopt my own daughter to change her last name from Livingston to Powell?”