Page 79 of Mafia Bosses
I could still smell my men’s scents. I could still feel lots of pressure between my legs. I could remember the look in their eyes while they conquered my body. The lust all over their faces. Their hunger, a hunger that only I could quench. I was also a bit sore, but that little detail wasn’t going to spoil my mood.
Nevertheless, this was just the physical part. One could say that we had all acted on impulse. We got carried away and surrendered to the moment. It was something natural—a product of the tension we had all been carrying.
The emotional part was astonishing.
I stayed in between Cesare and Leonardo, purring like a kitty. Neither of them said a thing. They didn’t complain about each other’s presence. And, once I’d had enough of their cuddles, I jumped back into the pool where Matteo had been waiting for me. He took me in his arms, and I rested my head on his chest, plunging deeper into a sensation of closeness. Even then, none of those three did anything to convey annoyance or jealousy. They just teased each other, remaining in a relaxed mood.
As for me? I didn’t interject.
I didn’t open my mouth once during the time we spent in that basement. I just left them to it. I had no reason or motive to meddle with them. It was so much more enjoyable to just listen to them. Besides, the only couple of times where we had been alone in the same room, had been very tense indeed. The first one was on the night that Leo got shot. The second was when they decided to confront me. This change in the atmosphere had been most welcome. We had known tension. Now was the time for us to relax and enjoy ourselves.
I made myself some coffee, unable to stop thinking about one of my recent conversations with Maggie. In particular, one of her statements.
“I really hope you get what I have with Rocco, Julian and Slater.”
Was I going to? Well, I was certainly on the right track. My men were unbelievably tight. They had no problem sharing me; they seemed to love every minute of it. There was an emotional connection as well. It had been there before we went wild in Maggie’s mansion. If that wasn’t true, they would never have risked their own lives to protect me. So, I had every reason to believe that I would soon get my own “sexy chunk of heaven” as Maggie had called it. All I had to do was wait and see for myself if I’d get to keep them all in my life. Of course, I had to try hard. I had to work on my relationship with them every single day, but that didn’t scare me one bit. They would be worth it.
Getting ready for work, I was in for a very pleasant surprise. The text I received from Leonardo widened my smile, proving to me once again how unpredictable they were:
“How does five days in Vegas sound to you? We think it’s time for a break. What about you?”
“A well-deserved break. I’m down! Let me just get to the hospital and request some time off.”
Las Vegas?
I wasn’t thrilled by the notion of heading to the city of lights. I was neutral to it if I was being honest. Lots of noise. Too many lights. Too many fancy establishments, designed in a way to take people’s money. However, I’d take that break. Not just because we had earned it, but because I would have my men with me. And it didn’t matter if we’d be surrounded by casino hotels or any other flashy buildings. In our hotel room, we’d have our own fun. A fun that entailed me and all three of them at the same time. Some more, steamy action with me in the center of their attention, on the receiving end of their passion.
Fucking Vegas.
At last, those idiots had listened to reason.
We’d finally get to my most favorite place in the whole world.
The last time we’d been there didn’t count in my book. That was pretty sad. We’d driven thousands and thousands of miles, just to go after some rich prick who’d put a hit out on us. I hardly caught a glimpse of the Boulevard, much less hit a casino and gamble. After Kanin was dealt with, we just got the hell out of there. I could understand that. We had gunned down ten people in that building. It was a massacre, and cops would be all over the place, being nosey as usual. Reporters from all over Nevada would swarm into the city, chasing down men and women in uniform, desperate for some news. I might have loved to gamble, but I wasn’t dumb. I could postpone a trip to the slots and blackjack tables to keep my freedom.
There would be another—yet smaller—difference this time.
No cars.
I liked that long road trip we’d taken, but we had no reason to repeat it, especially so soon after the first one. Also, we wouldn’t be heading down there with another crew. We’d have Piper with us, not a trio of seasoned gangsters.
And this was what had me lit.
This was the second reason behind my awesome mood.
I was so cheerful during the flight that I might have messed a little with Matteo’s face while he snored in his seat. I borrowed a red crayon from a little girl behind me and drew a sketch on his forehead. Nothing too much; just a dick, pointing to the left. To Cesare, that is. The girl’s father laughed his ass off when he saw that. Matteo and Cesare didn’t find it so funny. Maybe I should have drawn another dick on Cesare’s forehead. One that would point to Matteo and in a different color. That way, at least one of them would have laughed, instead of glaring at me like a butt-hurt jerk.
Our hotel had some funny name I couldn’t even pronounce.
Vdara Hotel & Spa.
When I asked Matteo why he’d booked it, his eyes sparkled with excitement, and he said:
“Because it’s on the Strip and it’s got huge rooms.”