Page 19 of Where It Begins
“Absolutely, I’ll text when I’m home.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry about this.” His gaze flicks to the boys.
I smile, irrationally turned on, because managing the boy’s behavior is his top priority. “It’s okay. We’ll talk soon. Girls, let's go.”
They scamper down the hall after me. I stoop to pick up Sidney’s suit jacket and my coat from the floor. His I hang on the hook; mine I slip through my arms so my boobs are no longer in full force.
The girls shove their feet into their shoes and follow me to my car, whispering to each other. I unlock the doors and they climb into the backseat while I take my place behind the wheel. “Where are we heading?”
“My house.” The girl who was upstairs says.
“Are you Millie or Claire?”
“I’m Millie, this is Claire.” She thumbs over at Randall’s friend.
“Are you going to tell my parents?” Millie asks.
“I wasn’t planning to.” I set my phone in the holder. “Address please?”
Millie rattles it off and I plug it into the navigation system. It’s a twenty-minute drive. Should be lots of time to school these girls.
“How old are you two?” I ask, conversationally.
“Eighteen,” they say in unison.
I tap the wheel.
“Are you Buck’s dad’s girlfriend?” Millie asks.
“We’re dating. Casually at this point. Are you Buck’s girlfriend?” I fire back. I really don’t understand the nickname.
“I…uh. I watch him play a lot. We were supposed to go to the movies tonight, but they were hungry after practice, so we stopped for food, and then we missed the beginning of the movie and decided we could just watch one at Buck’s house.”
“Which is how you and Miller or Buck, or whatever you want to call him, ended up in his room and you ended up bent over the couch.” I thumb over my shoulder at Claire.
“Oh, my God! You hadsexwith Randy?” Millie’s voice is about seven octaves too high for the inside of a car.
Claire shrugs. “He’s hot. And freaking Jasmine is always bragging about how she hooked up with him last year.”
“Okay.” I hold up a hand. “As the mother of a teenage girl, I need to step in with some important pearls of wisdom.”
“You have a teenage daughter?”
“Yeah, she’s fifteen.”
“You don’t look old enough to have a fifteen-year-old.” Claire is obviously trying to suck up.
“That’s because I had her when I was young. Her dad was a one-night stand, and we even used a condom. Shit happens.”
“Oh snap,” Claire says.
“She’s a great kid and I’m lucky because it could have been a lot different. Anyway, I’m going to tell you what I’ve told my daughter. Boys are giant walking hormones. Doesn’t matter if they’re nice or not, most of their brain activity resides in their pants and they will do and say literally anything to have someone else hold their penis for them. Unless they’re super religious and then they find creative ways to make that happen and feel guilty about it afterwards, but I digress. It’s normal to want to have sex at your age. But your body needs to beyourpriority.” I hold up a finger when Claire opens her mouth to speak. “I’m not done.”
She clamps her mouth shut.
“If you cannot give yourself an orgasm, you cannot expect one from someone else. Same sex, opposite sex. I don’t care who it is. If you don’t know how to get yourself there, you can’t ever show someone else how to do it.”
“That actually makes sense,” Millie says.