Page 64 of Where It Begins
“Herman, you’re allowed in.” Mom tosses over her shoulder.
My dad joins us in the bridal room and gets all misty eyed, which makes me misty eyed and there’s a lot of tipping our chins to the ceiling so we don’t mess up our expensive makeup or end up with red eyes before I even walk down the aisle and drink too much champagne at the reception.
The wedding planner pops her head in and tells us it’s go time. Violet and my mom give me hugs and leave the bridal suite ahead of us. I didn’t want a hoard of bridesmaids to manage, so it’s just my mom and Violet walking down the aisle before me.
“You ready, honey?” My dad links arms with me.
“More ready than I ever thought I’d be.” My legs are a little wobbly as we follow mom and Violet out of the suite.
I’m hidden from view as I watch my mom walk down the aisle, followed by Violet. She only sort of stutter steps and lists to the right once. Miller, who is already standing at the front takes a hesitant step forward, as if he’s going to meet her halfway, but she holds up a hand, squares her shoulders, grabs the hem of dress and hoists it up a few inches while muttering, “Freaking heels are a death trap.”
A quiet chuckle moves through the attendees and my great Aunt Brenda says loud enough so that everyone can hear, “Men designed them!”
When Violet reaches the front of the church, everyone bursts into applause. Her face turns red.
I turn to my wedding planner. “Can you do me a solid and get Violet an antihistamine so she doesn’t end up with a full-blown case of hives after this, please?”
“Already taken care of, she took one half an hour ago.”
“Thank God.” The wedding march cues up.
Dad pats my arm. “All right sweetheart, let’s get you hitched.”
“Let’s do this.” I take a deep breath and we round the corner, bringing Sidney and all our friends and family into view.
Everyone stands, but my eyes stay locked on the hot as hell man waiting for me at the end of the aisle. “Oh wow,” I mutter. “He cleans up nice.”
Dad squeezes my arm. “Inside voice, Skye. Everyone can hear you.”
I shrug. “Looking good, babe!” I call down the aisle.
Sidney’s grin widens as his eyes move over me in a not so PG-13 sweep. Tonight, we’re definitely going to swing from the rafters.
My dad has to slow me down because I try to speed walk down the aisle to Sidney, but eventually, after what feels like a million years, my dad kisses my cheek and passes me off to my husband to be.
“You look darn well edible,” I whisper as Sidney takes my hands.
“So do you.”
“I can’t wait to get you o—”
Sidney stops me with a brief, chaste kiss. “Audience, babe.”
“Right. Save it for later.” I back off and wave to our friends and family. “Hi, sorry about that. He looks good, though, right?”
“I wouldn’t kick him out of bed,” Aunt Brenda shouts.
Sidney looks like he’s trying not to laugh.
Our officiant looks like she expected exactly this, which makes sense since Aunt Brenda came to the run-through two days ago and ad-libbed the entire time.
The ceremony begins with the usual stuff, the officiant talking about joining lives and all that jazz and then it’s time for Sid and me to say our vows. Which we wrote ourselves.
“Skye, I’ve waited a long time to find someone who balances me out. You’re everything I need in a partner and more. You’re so full of life, you keep me on my toes, and you make me smile every day. I love everything about you, from your unfiltered thoughts, to the way you champion Violet and the way you’ve stepped in and become the mom Miller needs. I promise to stand by your side through the good times and especially the bad, to be your partner and your rock when you need me the most. You’re my best friend, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life loving you.”
I pull a tissue from between my boobs and dab my eyes. “That’s going to be a tough one to follow.”