Page 66 of Where It Begins
“I’m never getting married. I should have let Buck go up on his own, but I wanted to be moral support in case his cue cards gave him a hard time and now my boobs have been seen by like a thousand people.”
“There are only seventy guests, Violet.”
“I’m being extra because I flashed everyone! If I get married one day, I’m eloping. Maybe to an island, or maybe not because I feel like I’d get sand in my underwear and it would suck, or I’d fall into the ocean. Maybe Vegas would be better.”
I grab my daughter by the shoulders. “You can get married wherever you want. Everyone is drunk, honey. Speeches are boring and no one pays attention to them, anyway. Aunt Brenda is handing out more shooters, and she probably used her own moonshine in them, so they’re super potent. No one will remember this even happened. And Miller was quick to cover you up.”
She bites her lips together and sighs. “He’s an annoyingly good stepbrother.”
“He’s doing a solid job so far.” I rub her shoulders. “Want to chug a glass of champagne before we go back out there?”
“Seems like a good idea, but maybe before you do that, we can put on these invisible bra straps so I don’t have another accident. She digs them out of the pocket in her dress.
“Good plan.”
We strap her boobs in and then each down a glass of champagne.
“Ready to go back out there? Speeches should almost be over.”
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
I take her back out to the reception. Miller has already finished his speech. He hops up and meets us, taking Vi’s hand as she carefully climbs the stairs, and Sidney and I take our place behind the podium. I drag his mouth down to mine and make a spectacle while Miller walks Violet back to her seat to keep the attention off her and it works.
I let Sidney take the reins on our speech, mostly because that champagne has gone right to my head and then the DJ cues the first dance.
“Is Violet okay?” Sidney asks as we move around the dance floor.
“She’ll be fine. Eventually. When the embarrassment wears off.” I glance over to find Miller with his arms crossed, glaring at the male server who has suddenly taken an interest in my daughter. “Awww, look, he’s being her bodyguard. They’re just like real siblings.”
“He’s really settling into the big brother role,” Sidney agrees.
I smile up at him and he dips down to kiss me.
Everything feels like it’s clicking into place. I have a fabulous daughter, a stepson who has her back, and now a husband who’s my best friend and a total freak in the sheets.
Life is perfect, and it’s just the beginning.
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