Page 12 of Forever Treasured
Gemma stepped aside and let the woman in.
“I’m glad to have you here. I didn’t realize until my husband pointed it out how tense I am.”
She began setting her table up in front of the picture window in the living room and gave her a big grin.
“I’ll fix you right up.”
“American?” Gemma asked, surprised.
The girl grinned. “Yep. I was just heading home for the day when Mr. Adler offered me an extra five hundred. Couldn’t turn it down.”
Gemma narrowed her eyes. “How long ago was that?”
The girl frowned. “Maybe ten minutes? I came right over when he asked. Alexander was supposed to take care of you. I’m not sure what happened, but I won’t turn down the extra cash. I’m here on an exchange program and can use all the money I can get.”
Gemma smiled, though inside she was annoyed. Alexander was clearly some young, hunky male massage therapist, and when Russell found out, he’d quickly arranged for this woman to take care of her instead.
Sometimes his possessiveness was endearing and turned her on. Other times, like now, it annoyed her, and she wondered how she could get back at him for his little stunt.
But the therapist was set up and waiting expectantly for her to lay face-down on the table, so she put revenge out of her mind for the next hour and when she was done, she handed her another large wad of bills just because Russell deserved to pay out the nose for this massage.
The woman gushed her thanks as she headed out the door with her table in hand.
“Merry Christmas,” she added as she headed down the short flight of stairs.
“Merry Christmas, indeed. Do you have plans right now?” She asked, as an idea formed.
Chapter 5
Russellstoodinthelobby of the swanky winter resort and looked around at the various entrances and exits. In his opinion, the place didn’t have nearly enough video surveillance, and the rounds the guards made to check on things at the cabins weren’t frequent enough.
He was tempted to make a phone call and find some local security guys to provide extra coverage for him and his family, but not only would his wife balk, his sister-in-law—a former MI6 agent—would be offended despite the fact that she was seven months pregnant.
He glanced at his watch and made a beeline for the small gift shop where he found a trinket for Gemma to make up for his bad mood about the security in this place. It would eat at him until they were back home.
Then again, the security at home hadn’t pleased him lately either. It didn’t sit well with him that she was probably right about the fact that he wouldn’t be satisfied unless it was him by her side protecting her. It was impractical to think they could be together twenty-four seven, but even after so many years, that’s exactly what he wanted sometimes. It was healthy for them to have their own space, friends, and hobbies, but he still wanted to encroach on every aspect of her life, and it took work to keep that urge in check.
“Master Russell?”
A familiar voice made him turn, and he grinned when Holly Barrett came toward him, opening her arms for a hug. Master Russell is what she called him when they were at Club Solitaire together, but it made him smile that she’d used the moniker here.
“I didn’t realize you were going to be here. Is Gemma with you?” she asked when she stepped away.
He nodded and kissed her cheek. “She’s in our cabin getting a massage. I left her alone to relax a little since I think I’m getting on her nerves.”
Holly chuckled. “I can’t imagine that at all,” she teased.
He gave her a mock glare but softened it with a smile. “And what about you, sweetheart. Is Elijah with you?”
She nodded toward the children’s section of the shop. “He’s trying to keep Melissa off of me. This pregnancy hasn’t been as easy as the first one was, so he does his best to handle her for me. We thought a getaway before I’m waddling everywhere was a good idea for all of us, so we’re spending Christmas here. They even have some children’s activities, so we get some alone time. And our nanny is taking her home in a few days and we’re flying to New Orleans to ring in the new year at the club that’s opening there. It’s the longest vacation we’ve had in years.” She pressed a hand to her forehead. “Listen to me babbling. I apologize. When did you and Gemma get in?”
Russell waved at Elijah who had spotted him and headed their way with his little girl on his shoulders. “A couple of hours ago, actually. And Kendall and Matthew will be here in a couple of days.”
“Oh wonderful. David and Emily will be here tomorrow, and they’re coming to New Orleans with us. It will be like a mini family reunion. Too bad we’re missing so many. I wish you and Gemma could come to the grand opening with us.”
“Russell,” Elijah said, offering his hand when he reached them. “Small world. Holly and I were talking yesterday about trying to get the entire gang back together again sometime soon. It’s been too long. Did she tell you that David and Emily are joining us tomorrow?”