Page 50 of Tutored in Love
Noah met Alec’s hand and returned the firm grip. “We ought to get along, then. I’m Noah.”
They fished the rest of the gear out of the car, stowing it in the van as Alec kept a mostly one-sided conversation going with speculation about the trip. Garth mumbled a few monosyllables, while Noah contributed an occasional nod or grunt.
“I hope my Spanish can keep up,” Alec said, frowning and running a hand through his blond hair as he assessed the remaining space in the cargo area. “I don’t know if we’ve got enough room here for—”
A car screeched into the parking lot and stopped near the van, its doors opening to spill a gaggle of laughing females into the morning sunlight.
A girl with a honey-colored messy bun atop her head held a fist aloft and hollered, “I told you we’d make it!” before executing what must have been meant as a victory dance.
Alec belly laughed. “I knew you’d make it, Emily, just not on time.”
Noah glanced at his watch, which showed they were already five minutes behind schedule, as Alec and Emily continued teasing each other.
Five women. By the sound of things, Noah doubted he’d have one moment of quiet in the van—or for the next week. Garth sighed, seeming to mirror Noah’s thoughts, then stepped forward to help load all the new baggage.
Once things were stowed, Chad called the group together for some quick introductions. Other than Emily, the women’s names sailed past Noah, though the blond, blue-eyed twins were hard to miss.
A girl with long black hair held her tongue but laughed readily at her louder friends. Mischievous eyes matched her hair and hinted at Asian ancestry. She caught him watching her and offered a smile before looking away.
The loudest of the group, after Emily, sported chin-length brown hair and bangs brushing light-green eyes that stuck on Alec. It figured. Athletic build, beach hair, outgoing personality—Noah had no doubt who would be the girls’ favorite.
“Let’s move!” Chad said when the introductions were complete.
“Only fifteen minutes behind schedule,” Alec muttered loud enough for Emily to hear.
“Be nice!” she countered, swatting at his hair—no small feat, as she stood a good foot shorter than him.
“Maybe you can make up some of that time for us,” Chad said to Alec, tossing him the keys.
“Can’t say no to that,” Alec said, snatching the keys out of the air and taking the driver’s seat. “I’ve always wanted to drive one of these babies. I hear they corner like they’re on rails.”
Bangs let out a groan. “I’d better take shotgun if Alec’s driving.”
Quiet Girl smirked as Noah caught her eye. “Guess that means I’m in the back again,” she said.
“Again?” Noah asked as they lined up for boarding.
She chuckled good-naturedly. “We’ve done a few road trips. I don’t get carsick, so I always get the back.”
“Taking one for the team, huh?”
Her smile broadened. “You could say that.”
Noah relaxed a bit. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Vanessa,” she supplied as she stepped into the van. “You’re Noah, right? Our last-minute fill-in?”
“That’s me,” he said, following her. The twins—he didn’t know their names—sat in the first passenger row, with Chad and Jane behind them.
Ahead of them, Garth stepped past Emily, who had claimed the third-row window, and planted himself in the rear. “Whose bag is this?” he asked with a nervous look at Vanessa.
“Mine,” Noah said, stifling a laugh at Garth’s obvious relief. At least the fourth row had four seats instead of three so he and Garth would have plenty of room to spread out.
Vanessa tossed a smile over her shoulder at Noah. “Guess that puts me with Emily.”
Too bad.The thought surprised Noah.
“I’ll take the aisle first, if you don’t mind,” Garth said. “We can switch off later so we each have a share of the extra leg room.”