Page 8 of The Gentlemen's Club
Mickey’s eyes grew big before he burst out laughing. “Two weeks? My God, Chris is keeping you on a tight leash. I’m sure he fucked you plenty in the meantime. Good on him. Did he promise to uncage you if you agreed to meet me?”
Anthony nodded. He wanted to believe Chris would have uncaged him regardless, but he wasn’t sure.
“You know how much Chris cares about his job, don’t you?” Mickey whispered like they were sharing a secret.
“I do.”
“And I’m sure you know how hard it is to get ahead in this line of business, and how easy it is to get stuck behind. With that in mind, I see no reason why you and I can’t work together to help our friend.”
Ourfriend? Anthony’s crap detector was beeping. “What do you have in mind?”
“I would like for both you and Chris to join me at The Gentlemen’s Club.”
Anthony remembered Chris mentioning that club.
“Two types of people are welcomed there,” Mickey continued, “those who lead, and those who follow. Chris will be a leader—although on probation.”
“I’m guessing you’re not inviting me to be another leader.”
Mickey laughed and tapped Anthony’s chest, his thumb deliberately brushing against his nipple. “You’re a sharp one. No, you’re clearly a born follower. We call the likes of youtoysin the club. You’ll simply need to keep doing what you’ve been doing with Chris.”
“In the club?”
“Yes, but with fellow members. Now, don’t be mistaken into thinking that this is some sleazy sex club or whatnot—it’s more of a celebration of success. Almost every well-known lawyer in the city attends there regularly. I have a feeling you’ll be very popular.”
“What are you getting out of bringing me into that club?”
“You mean my secret motives?” Mickey waved his hand dismissively. “Not important. Don’t bother your pretty head with trying to figure me out.”
Anthony hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast, but he still felt nauseous. “Can you be more specific about what I’ll be expected to do in that club?”
“Of course, but I wouldn’t like to repeat myself twice. How about you get comfortable, and I’ll call Chris back to join us?”
“I’m already comfortable.”
“Let’s not play games.”
“I’m not the one playing.”
Mickey's voice turned icy. “You might not have a lot to lose by being difficult, but Chris sure does.”
Anthony let the threat sink in. He hated powerful people who were so manipulative it had turned into their second nature. He felt bad that Chris needed to work with such people.
“You’re a real piece of work,” he said, feeling that Mickey had pressed all the wrong buttons.
“Thank you.” Mickey moved his hand and placed it on Anthony’s crotch. “Now, get naked and be quiet. Wait on all fours until your owner gets here.”
Owner?Every part of Anthony’s body felt dangerously hot. He refused to allow that privileged prick to have his way. He held Mickey’s hand and removed it from his crotch, holding himself back from squeezing hard and leaving a bruise. “I don’t think I’m going to do that.”
Mickey nodded, looking somewhat impressed. “I see. Well, obviously you’re not where you need to be, and that’s fine. I blame Chris for your lack of discipline.”
“I am my own man, and you could’ve gotten me naked if you weren’t such a dick.”
“Oh, dear. I’m being reprimanded by a submissive handyman. What an exciting day.” Mickey rose to his feet, and Anthony did the same.
I can pick you up and throw you across the room, he thought and held back a smirk.
“It’s time for you to be on your way.” Mickey walked toward his deck. “Just keep in mind,” he added, “I didn’t get to this position by giving up on the things I want.” His lips stretched into a thin smile. “We will meet again soon.”