Page 4 of Enticing the Monster
I’ve taken from my parents. I’ve had everything, even the first three years of college, completely paid for. I’ve had essentially whatever I wanted, whatever I needed. I’ve never had to work a day in my life, and I owe them.
Don’t I?
“I don’t want you to die,” I whisper as tears well in my eyes. I don’t know why I’m crying when they aren’t, but I am, and I hate that.
“Well, that’s what will happen,” my mother barks. “Unless you want us to give them your sister.”
My sister only just turned eighteen. She’s still in high school. My heart races inside my chest, and I hate how cruel, how downright mean my mother is being about this. I’m used to her being a bitch, but this is a new level. Selling me, threatening to sell my sister. Who the hell is she? She’s never been overly warm and friendly, but she’s never been this outright cruel either.
I don’t understand any of this. How is this the real world? My teeth sink into my cheek even harder. Blood fills my mouth, and I know I’ll be regretting that in a few minutes. I’m not sure what to say, what to do.
None of this feels real.
“What is wrong with you people?” I ask.
My mother’s chin jerks up, and she peers down her nose at me. “Don’t be selfish, Claire. We all have to make sacrifices. At least you’ll be married and protected. Nothing will happen to you.”
“Except I’m marrying some stranger who could beat me, and nobody would be the wiser. He knows he can do whatever he wants to me, and nobody will say a word. That’s what you think is such a wonderful thing?” I hiss.
My father moves toward me, stepping between me and my mom. Hiding her from my view as his gaze finds mine. I don’t know what I expect him to do, but it isn’t to extend his hand, wrapping his fingers around the front of my throat and squeezing. Instantly, my reaction is to lift my hands, scratching at his wrist.
“I’m not willing to die over this shit,” he rasps.
Yeah, well. I’m not either, but not only can’t I say that I don’t even bother trying. There’s no sense in it. This is obviously not about me, even though I’m the main one this affects. Instead, I stay silent, biting the inside of my cheek even harder and just suffer.
“You’ll do this, and you’ll fucking smile the entire goddamn time. Don’t embarrass me, Claire. It’s done.”
Las Vegas.
I’m not sure what the fuck I’m doing here, but I had to see her in person. Even if it was from afar. I couldn’t stay away, and now I know I won’t be able to either. She stands in front of the club, wearing a white dress that is too tight and far too short. I watch as she reaches down and tugs the back down a little farther over her ass.
Lifting my foot, I place it against the wall of the building, leaning there as I continue to stare at her. A man walks up to her side, and my spine straightens until I truly take him in. It’s her brother, Bryson. It still bothers me that there is another man standing next to her.
She’s mine.
Not his.
Nobody’s but mine.
She turns toward him, and he dips his chin, his brows snapping together and a frown playing on his lips. I wonder what she’s telling him. He shakes his head, lifts his hand, and runs his fingers through his hair. Then, they begin to move toward the front door of the club.
I watch as Bryson waves at the bouncer before they slip right inside. Waiting only about half a second, I push off the wall and make my way toward the door as well. I’ve already made myself known to the bouncers, and I am not even given a second glance as I follow their path and enter the club.
The music thrums throughout my entire body the moment I step inside the building. The lights flash around. Blue, white, and purple colors assault my vision. I scan the room, and it doesn’t take me long to find her.
She’s a vision in bright white, standing at a small pub table, her brother beside her. They are deep in conversation when she shakes her head, and I watch as she places her palm at the center of his chest.
He takes a step backward, lifting his hands before he throws them in the air. I watch, knowing that whatever is being said, he’s obviously not happy about it. I wonder if it has to do with me. If it has to do with the marriage that’s been arranged between us.
The wedding has been negotiated, signed, sealed, and will be delivered in just a few months’ time.
The brother turns and walks away from her, storming out of the club. He leaves her alone in the middle of the busy club. I want to follow him and find out what the fuck they were fighting about, but I’m not about to leave her here alone and vulnerable.
Moving through the club, I think about Wells and the way he danced with Parker that first night at Club Nova in Dallas. She never saw his face, but I can’t be as smooth as Wells or even Hendrick. They’re both much cooler than I could ever be.
As I approach her, she lifts her head, her eyes finding mine, and they widen at the sight of me standing in front of her. I start to say something, tell her who I am, but then decide against it. She takes a step backward, and without a word, she turns and heads straight toward the front door.